A hospitality worker injury claim seeks compensation for the injury an employee in the hospitality industry suffers while at work. If you suffer a personal injury that was not your fault and not wholly your fault, you could have a personal injury compensation claim.
A hospitality worker may break a bone in a slip, trip or fall at work in the hotel, café or bar. The injury could be a burn from a hot plate, a cut from a sharp knife or a scald from boiling water, but if you suffer a workplace injury, you may have a hospitality injury claim.
The employer owes employees a duty of care when they are at work. If the owner of a café, hotel, bar, or restaurant breaches that duty of care and a hospitality worker suffers a workplace injury, an employee may have a personal injury compensation claim.
A Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid hospitality injury claim.

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What is a hospitality injury claim?
A hospitality injury claim is a compensation claim if you are injured while working in a hotel, bar, restaurant, leisure centre, or nightclub. You claim for the effects of the injury on your life today, such as loss of income and the effects on your life in the future, such as when you cannot find suitable employment.
The UK hospitality industry is worth more than £90 billion to the economy annually. The industry employs more than 300,000 people and is an essential part of the UK economy. There is pressure on the hospitality industry with increased costs, and many employers expect employees to work longer hours with fewer staff on duty.
There are more than 400,000 injuries annually in the hospitality sector, which have employees off work for up to seven days.
Hospitality staff who suffer injury in the UK:
A hospitality injury can happen anywhere from the hotel leisure centre to the busy café and in the bustling nightclub and bar scene. If you suffered a hospitality injury, you could have a hospitality injury claim for compensation.
The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your hospitality worker injury claim for the money you deserve.
Common hospitality injury claims
Common hospitality injury claims range from the slip, trip and fall while working in a busy bar to the lifting injury when working in the hotel to the violent assault suffered by security staff at night.
If you suffer a broken bone, soft tissue injury or back injury while working in the hospitality industry, you could have one of the common hospitality injury claims.
Common hospitality injury claims:
Hotel industry employee injury claims
Hotel industry employee injury claims are when a hospitality worker in a hotel or guest house suffers an injury while at work. Working in a hotel can be tough on employees, and hotel owners must take steps to protect staff from injury.
Claims for hotel industry employee injury are:
If you suffer an injury while working in a hotel that was not your fault, you could have a hospitality worker injury claim for compensation.
Restaurant industry employee injury claims
Restaurant industry employee injury claims are for those workers who suffer one of the many injuries seen in the restaurant and café workplace every year. Employees can suffer burns, scalds, broken bones and cuts and may have a compensation claim.
Claims for restaurant industry employee injury are:
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your compensation claim when you are injured working in the restaurant industry.
Hospitality security staff injury claims
Hospitality security staff injury claims are for when the door and general security staff at a bar, nightclub and hotel employees are injured while at work, and it is not wholly their fault. Employees can suffer facial injuries, hand injuries and deep cuts while working as security staff.
Claims for hospitality security staff injury:
Security staff can suffer many severe injuries in an assault and could have a workplace injury claim.
Leisure industry staff injury claims
Leisure industry staff injury claims are when employees at the hotel gym, swimming pool and other leisure activities suffer an injury while at work. The staff could suffer slip, trip and fall injuries or cuts, bruising and RSI-type injuries.
Personal injury claims by leisure industry staff:
The No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid hospitality worker injury claim.
Bar industry staff injury claims
Bar industry staff injury claims are for when the employee behind the bar, clearing tables and serving guests suffers an injury that was not their fault. The employee in the bar can suffer cuts, slips, trips and falls and assault injuries.
Claims for bar industry staff injuries can be:
A compensation claim for bar staff injuries can seek damages in an accident that was not wholly their fault while at work in a bar or café.
Hospitality worker injury claims can happen to staff in any section of the industry, from catering to entertainment to the accommodation sector.
If you suffer a workplace injury as an employee in any section of the hospitality industry you may have a compensation claim for a hospitality worker injury.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your compensation for a hospital worker injury claim.
Compensation for a Hospitality Worker Injury Claim
Amounts of compensation can vary depending on the severity of your injuries.
Bellow are examples of common claims experienced by hospitality workers, and their expected claim amounts.
Assault in the hospitality industry workplace claim
An assault in the hospitality industry workplace claim is when a hotel employee, bar worker, leisure staff or security staff is assaulted during the course of their employment. The hospitality worker may be assaulted by another member of staff, a guest in the hotel by a member of the public in the bar or at the nightclub door.
If you work in the hospitality industry and suffer an assault in the workplace, such as when hit by a bottle in the busy bar or punched while doing crowd control, you could have an assault in the workplace compensation claim.
An assault in the workplace claim can be:

The assault in the workplace claims by hospitality workers are made by employees of all ages, and sexes and, from those in senior management to those clearing tables in the bar.
Employers have a duty of care to employees and must provide a safe and secure workplace for everyone, especially those dealing with the public. If they breach that duty of care by not providing adequate staffing and security levels, an employee may have a hospitality worker assault claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can advise on your assault case and see if you have a valid assault in the workplace compensation claim.
Our Process
We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.
Claim Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.
Legal Letter
Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.
Find out how much you can claim today for a hospitality worker injury
Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim for your hospitality worker injury. The damaged back, the facial scarring, eye injuries and the PTSD from a hospitality workplace injury may be with you for life, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved.
The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your hospitality worker injury claim.
Compensation amounts for a hospitality worker injury claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for this common workplace injury.
Only by contacting one of our team will you get a hospitality worker injury claim up and running today.
Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert hospitality worker injury advice tailored to you.