An electric scooter accident claim seeks compensation when you are in an accident that was not your fault. Road traffic accidents happen all the time, and if you are injured by an e-scooter or when out riding one, you may have a compensation claim.

If you suffer injury in an e-scooter accident caused at least in part by the negligence of someone else, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Electric scooter accident claims are for the injury suffered and the effects on your life.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you have been injured, and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

electric scooter accident claim compensation

What is an electric scooter accident claim?

An electric scooter accident claim is for compensation when you are injured in an accident that was not your fault involving an e-scooter. You may claim for the costs of the injury and the effects of it on your life, today and into the future.

You could be injured if hit by an electric scooter when out walking. You could also be injured if hit by a car when on your e-scooter or if you fall off one due to a broken pavement on the high street.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor may seek damages in an electric scooter accident claim if you are injured in an accident caused at least by someone else’s negligence.

Personal Injury Case Assessment

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Common claims for electric scooter accident claims

Common claims for electric scooter accident claims are for the injuries seen with electric scooters every day in the UK. You could break an arm, cut your face, or sprain an ankle, and you might have an e-scooter accident claim.

Some common electric scooter accident claims:

  • Injury due to a poorly maintained road surface
  • Injury when hit by an e-scooter
  • Injury from a collision with an e-scooter
  • Injury from a defective rental e-scooter
Common claims for electric scooter accident claims

Injury when hit by a car

An injury when hit by a car when riding an e-scooter may be serious. You could break a leg, crack ribs or even sustain brain damage by even the slightest clip from another road vehicle when on an e-scooter. 

Road traffic accidents can happen very quickly if the driver does not pay sufficient attention and that could amount to a breach of duty of care to other road users. 

You could be hit by the opening door of a car, hit by a car turning at a junction or by one coming out from a side road or a private residence.

Injury due to a poorly maintained road surface

Injury due to a poorly maintained road surface could be when you fall off when you hit a pothole or a defect in the high street pavement or road. The local authority has a duty of care to maintain roads and footpaths and keep them safe for all users. 

An e-scooter can travel at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour, and if you hit a pothole in the road, you could be thrown with force from the scooter. 

You could suffer cuts, bruises, and broken bones in a fall due to a poorly-maintained road surface.

Injury when hit by an e-scooter

Injury, when hit by an electric scooter, might happen when crossing the road, walking on the street or just getting out of your car. The impact of being hit by an electric scooter travelling at speed can do serious injury, especially to a child or elderly person.

The electric scooter rider owes a duty of care to pedestrians and other road users on the streets. You might have a claim for compensation if injured by an e-scooter driver, and it was not your fault.

Injury from a collision with an e-scooter

Injury from a collision with an e-scooter can happen if you collide with one when on your bike or driving a car. As a driver or passenger in the car, you could be injured by the jolt of it suddenly stopping. 

An electric scooter could knock you from your bike, causing injuries such as deep cuts, a sprained wrist or a broken arm. 

E-scooter riders must follow the same rules of the road as other users, and you might have a compensation claim if you are in a collision with one and it was not your fault.

Injury from a defective rental electric scooter

Injury from a defective rental electric scooter, such as a broken wrist, can happen if the e-scooter is not maintained correctly. The rental company has a duty of care to you and should keep their electric scooters maintained for use on the road. 

Accidents can happen from defective brakes, broken fittings, or loose steering. If you suffer an injury from a defective rental electric scooter, you may have an accident claim for compensation.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

Compensation for an electric scooter injury claim

Compensation for an electric scooter injury claim ranges from the low £10,000s to more than £10 million. How much compensation you can claim depends on the injuries suffered and the financial effect of those injuries on your life.

If someone else is responsible for your personal injury, you might be able to claim compensation from their insurance company.

Sample compensation amounts in a No Win No Fee personal injury claim are as follows. Please note these are figures for the injuries only. Financial losses would apply in addition:

  • Facial scarring from £9,110 to £30,090
  • Moderate hip and pelvis injury from £12,590 to £39,170
  • Severe shoulder injury from £19,200 to £48,030
  • Moderate neck injury from £7,890 to £38,490
  • Severe back injury from £38,780 to £160,980
  • Traumatic chest injury from £65,740 to £100,670
  • Moderate brain injury from £43,060 to £219,070
  • Paraplegia from £219,070 to £284,260
Compensation calculator

Who is eligible to make a claim for a road traffic accident?

Any road user could be eligible to make a claim for a road traffic accident if they are injured in an accident caused at least in part by the negligence of someone else.

You might be able to make an electric scooter accident claim when hit by one or hit when riding an e-scooter.

Road users have a duty of care to other road users. They must follow the Highway Code and avoid accidents with pedestrians and other road users.

You might be able to claim for a road traffic accident when:

  • Injured in an accident that was not your fault
  • The other road user owed you a duty of care
  • The accident may have been due to negligence

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid road traffic accident compensation claim.

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Making a claim against an e-scooter rider

Making a claim against an e-scooter rider might happen when you are hit by an e-scooter as a pedestrian or other road user. 

An e-scooter driver must obey the same rules of the road as other road users. They cannot break speed limits, must stop at pedestrian crossings, and pay due care to all other road users. 

You might be able to make a claim against an e-scooter driver if an e-scooter injures you and the accident was not wholly your fault. 

The road traffic accident procedures are the same as others; both parties should swap insurance and contact details.

road traffic accident compensation

The laws on electric scooter use

The laws on electric scooter use govern how riders can use their e-scooters. You see more and more electric scooters on UK roads and footpaths these days, but knowing the laws might help if making a claim when you are injured in an e-scooter accident. 

You can only ride an electric scooter on the public highway if:

  • You have insurance
  • A valid UK driver’s licence
  • If a rental, then the rental company must have insurance
  • You obey the Highway Code
  • The rental scooter stays within a 15.5 MPH limit

The laws on electric scooters could be part of any possible road traffic accident claim you may have as a rider, pedestrian, or other road user. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor may take your case for compensation if you have a possible claim against an e-scooter rider or rental company.

Schedule A Call

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible.

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of no win no fee claim experts.

How to prove your road traffic accident claim

To prove your road traffic accident claim, you must show that the accident was not wholly your fault and someone else was partially responsible. An electric scooter accident may involve a pedestrian, an e-scooter rider or other road user. 

To prove your road traffic accident claim, you should:

  • Take note of where, when and who is involved
  • Use your phone to take photographs of the scene
  • Get the details of everyone involved in the accident
  • Get the number plate of the car, or cars, involved
  • Get the details of any witnesses
  • Find CCTV evidence if possible
  • Look for drivers with Dash Cams who may have video
  • Call for medical help to assess your injuries
  • Call the police if necessary
  • Ensure you photograph the road surface
  • Take photos of your injuries at the scene
  • Photograph your e-scooter at the scene

The laws on electric scooters could be part of any possible road traffic accident claim you may have as a rider, pedestrian, or other road user. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor may take your case for compensation if you have a possible claim against an e-scooter rider or rental company.

How to prove a motorcycle accident claim

Schedule Your Callback

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of claim experts.

Find out how much you can claim for today

Have you been the victim of an e-scooter accident that was not your fault? You may be entitled to make a no win no fee claim for personal injury.

Speak with the Personal Injury Team today and find out how much you can claim with our FREE online claim assessment.

Do not be financially set back due to the carelessness of another road user. Make a claim and recuperate the finances you are owed.

Make your claim today.