Compensation for personal injury is for when you are injured in an accident that was not wholly your fault. You may suffer a personal injury at work, in a road traffic accident or in a public place, and you could have a personal injury compensation claim.
Another road user, your employer or the public property owner owes you a duty of care. If they breach that duty of care, causing you harm, you may have a personal injury claim for compensation.
You may suffer a bulging disc in a manual handling injury in the workplace, torn ligaments in a slip on wet leaves in the park or a broken wrist in a road traffic accident, and you can claim compensation for personal injury.
In a personal injury compensation case, you claim for the effects of the personal injury on your life today and in the future.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your compensation for personal injury claim.

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What is a compensation for personal injury claim?
A compensation for personal injury claim is when you seek damages for the effects of a personal injury on your life today and in the future.
You may make a compensation for a personal injury claim against your employer, another driver on the road, the property owner, or in the case of medical negligence against the NHS.
According to the British insurance industry, personal injury compensation payments for road traffic accidents total more than £2 billion annually. The Health and Safety Executive, HSE, says there are more than 500,000 work-related injuries annually in the UK, with over 130 deaths in the UK workplace from 2023 to 2024.
A claim for personal injury compensation can be a complex process, but with the right team behind you, you can make the claim as straightforward as possible.
The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can handle your case and get you the compensation you deserve for the personal injury.
Types of Personal Injury Compensation Claims
The types of personal injury compensation claims range from the broken legs to the facial lacerations to the cuts and bruises and the torn ligaments that happen in UK accidents every day.
You claim compensation for the time off work, the loss of income, the adaptions you may need to make to your home and car, and any dependents can claim for the death of a loved one.
Common types of personal injury compensation claims:

Road traffic accident personal injury compensation claims
Road traffic accident personal injury compensation claims are for the many injury types you can get in an accident that was not your fault on the road.
Road traffic compensation claims can be for:
You can claim compensation for the injury in a road traffic accident claim.
Workplace accident personal injury compensation claims
Workplace accident personal injury compensation claims are for the injury you may get in the office, the factory canteen, the warehouse or when sitting at the tills at the supermarket.
A workplace accident compensation claim may be for:
You may be able to make a workplace compensation claim against your employer for the effects of the personal injury.
Public liability personal injury compensation claims
Public liability personal injury compensation claims are for the fall while walking the dog in the park or the broken fingers caught in the supermarket door.
The public property owner may be liable for your personal injury if they breach their duty of care to you.
A public liability claim can be:
You can make a public liability claim for the injuries you receive in an accident on a property open to the public.
Medical negligence personal injury compensation claims
Medical negligence personal injury compensation claims may be for the negligence by a medical professional when you are in their care.
If a medical professional does not provide you with a professional level of medical care, you could have a medical negligence compensation claim.
Types of medical negligence claims:
A medical negligence claim can seek compensation when you suffer due to a medical professional’s lack of duty of care to you.
Slip, trip, and fall personal injury compensation claims
Slip, trip, and fall personal injury compensation claims can be for the leg injuries, broken arms and soft tissue injuries seen every day due to a breach of duty of care by property owners and employers.
You could have a slip, trip, and fall personal injury compensation claim for:
Your personal injury No Win No Fee solicitor can make your slip, trip, and fall compensation claim.
In any personal injury claim, you seek compensation for the damages you suffer due to a breach of duty of care by the negligent party causing your injury.
Our Process
We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.
Claim Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.
Legal Letter
Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.
Damages in personal injury compensation claims
Damages in personal injury compensation claims are for the injury you suffer due to the negligence of an employer, road user or property owner and the effects of the injury on your life.
In a personal injury compensation claim, you sue for the loss of income, the time out of work, the out-of-pocket expenses and medical bills, and the pain and suffering due to the injury.
In every personal injury compensation claim, you have two types of damages:
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your claim and see what damages you can claim.
A personal injury compensation calculator
A personal injury compensation calculator is a guide to what is possible for your type of personal injury.
It may be a leg injury after a workplace accident or a muscle strain in a slip trip and fall accident, but the personal injury compensation calculator will give you an idea of the possible compensation.
The Personal Injury Team compensation calculator will only give you a possible figure of the compensation due after an injury in an accident that was not your fault.
By looking at your type of injury and previous compensation awards, the calculator can be a start to your personal injury claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid personal injury compensation claim.

Contact the Personal Injury Team today
Contact the Personal Injury Team today for advice and help on forming your compensation for personal injury compensation.
We have a team of solicitors and legal experts in place to guide you through what can be a complex legal process.
Our No Win No Fee team deal every day with workplace injury claims, road traffic accident claims, public liability claims and ones for medical negligence compensation.
Contact us today for all your compensation for personal injury needs.