If you are injured in public due to weather conditions, you may be able to claim compensation. When you suffer an injury in public due to the negligence of others, you could have a possible compensation claim.

Poor weather happens all the time. We get warnings of snow, ice, high winds, and storms in advance and take precautions to prevent structural damage and injury. If you are injured during bad weather conditions when a third party, such as your employer, did not take precautions, you could have a public injury claim.

The personal injury due to weather conditions could happen in a public place or when at work but you may still have a workplace accident compensation claim.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages for injury in public due to weather conditions through a claims process. If you or a loved one have been injured and your life impacted by an injury during bad weather that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for the injuries and financial losses.

The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

Injured in public due to weather conditions

What is an injury due to weather conditions?

An injury due to weather conditions is one you get when the weather turns bad at any time of the year, such as when blown off a ladder in high winds or slipping on an icy path. You could suffer an injury during a bad winter, a rainstorm in the summer or on an icy day in spring. 

People suffer broken bones from slipping on an icy street, being hit by debris during a bad storm or when in a road traffic accident on a street flooded due to heavy rain. 

Injuries due to weather conditions range from muscle tears to broken bones to eye damage and even loss of a limb in some cases. The weather can be unpredictable and cause a lot of injury when people are not careful in public. 

You may have a compensation claim if you are injured due to weather conditions to cover the effects of the injury today and in the future.

Can you make an injury claim due to weather conditions?

You may be able to make an injury claim due to weather conditions if you can show your injury was due or partially due to the negligence of others. When you can show that any personal injury was at least partially due to the negligence of others, you may be able to claim personal injury compensation.

The Met Office will issue a bad weather warning in advance of most foul weather events. They will warn of high winds, heavy rain, storms and icy weather before the event to give people notice of possible dangers.

If an employer, other road user or public property owner does not make arrangements in advance of foul weather and you suffer an injury, you may be able to claim compensation for a breach of their duty of care.

An employer or land owner may say it was an ‘Act of God,’ but this may not be so if an injury is due to their negligence and a breach of duty of care to you.

Personal Injury Case Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case.
This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

Common injuries due to weather conditions

Common injuries due to weather conditions are the ones seen every day in the GP clinic, the Accident and Emergency Department and when an ambulance is called to the scene of an accident during bad weather. 

Injuries due to weather conditions:

  • Torn ligaments in a slip on the ice
  • Head injuries when hit by flying debris during a high wind
  • Broken back when blown from a height during a storm
  • Lacerations when in a road traffic accident during heavy rain
  • Bruised ribs when hit by garden furniture blowing in stormy weather

Torn ligaments in a slip on the ice

Torn ligaments in a slip on the ice is a regular injury due to weather conditions in the winter. 

Pavements, roads, steps, and high streets can freeze overnight, and injuries like torn arm and leg ligaments often happen.

Broken back when blown from a height during a storm

A broken back when blown from a height during a storm, can happen to construction workers and similar employees in the workplace. 

A bad fall can do a lot of damage to the back, and those not wearing a safety harness can suffer serious injuries like spinal damage and broken bones.

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Lacerations when in a road traffic accident during heavy rain

Lacerations when in a road traffic accident during heavy rain can leave the sufferer scarred for life, and they could need plastic surgery. 

Heavy rain will make the roads unsafe, with water gathering where least expected. 

Lacerations and bad bruising are common after road accidents in heavy rain conditions.

Bruised ribs when hit by garden furniture blowing around during bad weather

Bruised ribs when hit by garden furniture blowing around during bad weather can happen when sun shades, windbreakers and plastic tables and chairs get caught by the wind. 

A piece of garden furniture blowing in the wind can cause a lot of injury, and children can suffer the worst when hit by it.

Claims that can be made for injuries caused by weather conditions

Claims that can be made for injuries caused by weather conditions can seek compensation for the effects of the injury today and on the rest of your life. If the injury you suffer in an accident caused by weather conditions could be due to the negligence of others you may have a claim for compensation. 

In any accident, you may have a compensation claim if you can show someone had a duty of care and you suffered an injury due to their breach of that duty of care. 

Claims for injuries caused by weather conditions are:

  • Broken hip in a slip on supermarket floor wet due to heavy rain claims
  • Neck injury due to road traffic accident in icy weather claims
  • Back injury in a fall from a ladder during windy weather claims
  • Cuts and bruises from beer garden furniture caught in the wind claims
  • Nerve damage when hit by loose debris claims
injuries caused by weather conditions

Broken hip in a slip on a supermarket floor wet due to heavy rain

A broken hip in a slip on a supermarket floor wet due to heavy rain can happen due to weather conditions. The management should take care to mark a wet floor with warning signs and have staff working to keep it clear. 

The supermarket management has a duty of care to customers and employees. 

If you are injured in an accident due to their breach of duty of care, you may have a compensation claim.

Neck injury due to a road traffic accident in icy weather

A neck injury due to a road traffic accident in icy weather can have you off work and needing long-term personal care. The local council has a duty of care to grit roads when the temperature is due to fall and icy conditions are forecasted. 

A cyclist or motorbike driver may slip on an icy road and suffer a neck injury. The driver going to work could crash their car and injure themselves. 

If the council does not grit the high street and you are injured in a road traffic accident you may have a claim for compensation for injury due to weather conditions.

Back injury in a fall from a ladder during windy conditions

A back injury in a fall from a ladder during windy conditions, such as a cracked vertebra, could seriously affect your ability to work. 

Your employer should not ask you to work in dangerous weather conditions. You should not be asked to work at height or go up a ladder when high winds are forecasted. 

You could have a claim for compensation if your employer asks you to work at height during windy weather and you suffer injury in a fall.

Cuts and bruises from beer garden furniture caught in the wind

Cuts and bruises from beer garden furniture caught in the wind may be a claim for injury in public due to poor weather conditions. 

The pub owner has a duty of care to ensure all loose garden furniture is secure when high winds are forecasted. A garden umbrella can do a lot of damage if you are hit by one caught in a gust of wind. 

You could have a claim for compensation if you suffer an injury when hit by beer garden furniture caught in the wind.

Nerve damage when hit by loose debris in a storm

Nerve damage when hit by loose debris in a storm could happen to your shoulder, neck, or your back. A business has a duty of care to tie down debris and secure it during a storm.

Loose tiles can blow off a roof, or rubbish left unsecured outside a pub can easily catch in the wind and hit a passerby or an employee. 

If you suffer nerve damage when hit by loose debris during a storm, you could have a  compensation claim against your employer or owner of the building if you can show your injury was due to their breach of duty of care. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can handle any possible claim for compensation for an injury caused by weather conditions.

Compensation for an injury caused by weather conditions

If you have been injured in an accident caused by the weather, speak to The Personal Injury Team for an accurate estimation on how much you can claim in compensation.

Amounts of compensation in an injury claim caused by weather conditions claim are:

  • Minor brain injury from £2,210 to £12,770
  • Moderate PTSD from £8,180 to £23,150
  • Hip and or a pelvis injury from £12,590 to £19,200
  • Significant wrist injury with disability and pain from £12,590 to £26,590
  • Knee injury with pain and limited movement from £26,190 to £43,460
  • Disc damage and vertebrae injury with chronic pain from £38,780 to £69,730
  • Back injury with nerve root damage from £74,160 to £88,430
  • Severe brain injury from £282,010 to £403,990
  • Tetraplegia from £324,600 to £403,990

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A workplace injury due to weather conditions claim

A workplace injury claim for an injury due to weather conditions seeks compensation for an injury caused at work, such as when you fall off a ladder on a windy day or are hit by boards blown off a scaffolding.

Your employer owes you a duty of care, and when they breach that duty of care, causing you a personal injury, you may have a workplace injury claim. 

Employers have a legal duty to provide a safe place to work. A workplace may be the warehouse, the factory, a building site or even the company van, but your employer has a duty of care to you once you are ‘on the clock.’  

Every workplace can be busy, and employers must make it a safe place for employees and visitors at all times, regardless of weather conditions. 

Every employer owes a duty of care to employees and avoid injuries due to weather conditions by:

  • Not asking them to work in adverse weather
  • Providing health and safety training to all workers
  • Keeping the workplace safe for employees
  • Carrying out business activity according to safe procedures
  • Carrying out risk assessments of all tasks
  • Ensuring employees have access to safety information for their work
  • Having employees adequately supervised by trained staff
Workplace injury compensation

You may have a workplace injury due to weather conditions claim if you suffer an injury that was not your fault or only partially your fault when at work in poor weather.

A workplace injury caused by weather conditions could be due to your employer breaching their duty of care to you and asking you to work in adverse weather conditions. 

It can be difficult to say no when an employer asks you to work, but they should not put your life and health in danger by asking you to work when the weather is terrible or is forecasted to turn bad during the day.  

Types of workplace injury caused by weather conditions:

  • Fall from a height during a high wind when not wearing a safety harness
  • Slip off a ladder during a high wind
  • Slip on an icy footpath when working outdoors during a cold snap
  • Fall on a wet warehouse floor during a rainstorm
  • Hit by flying debris on a building site
  • In a road traffic accident while driving for your employer

If you are injured in poor weather conditions due to a breach of an employer’s duty of care, you may have a workplace claim for compensation.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

How long do I have to make a claim for an injury due to weather conditions compensation?

You have three years to make a claim for an injury due to weather conditions. The three years in any personal injury claim usually begin when you suffered the injury, became aware of the injury, or were diagnosed with the injury you sustained when sliding on a wet floor or when you fell from a height due to high winds at work.

Personal injury compensation claims for a personal injury must generally be brought and court proceedings issued within three years of the injury.

In the case of children, such as teenagers hit by debris during a storm on the way home from school, the time limit for a personal injury claim only begins when they turn 18. Parents or guardians can start an injury due to weather conditions claim for children under the age of 18.

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can advise on your claim and how long you have to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

Are you eligible for compensation?

If you want to pursue damages for the accident you have suffered, we have a simple 3 step process to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

  • Take our online assessment & speak with our team
  • Our team of claim specialists will undertake a full case review
  • We will send a legal letter and our solicitors will pursue your compensation on your behalf

All case reviews are 100% cost and commitment free.

Find out how much you can claim today for an injury due to weather conditions

Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim for your injury due to weather conditions. The severe lacerations, broken bones, and spinal damage you suffer in an injury due to weather conditions may be with you for life, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved. 

The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your personal injury claim. 

Compensation amounts for an injury due to weather conditions claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for this type of personal injury.  

Only by contacting one of our team will you get an injury due to weather conditions claim up and running today. 

Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert advice on a claim for injury due to weather conditions, tailored to you.