Leg and foot injury claims are for compensation for injuries from below the hip down to the toes. You may have a leg and foot injury claim if you are injured in an accident that was not your fault.

A leg and foot injury claim may be able to get you compensation for injury from a road traffic accident or a fall at work. If you are injured due to the negligence of others, you may have a claim for compensation.

Our personal injury solicitors seek to recover damages through a claims process. If you have been injured, and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team no win no fee solicitors will file your compensation claim and get you the money you deserve.

Leg and foot injury compensation claim

Leg injury claim

A leg injury claim is for injury to the leg anywhere from the hip to the ankle. If you suffer a leg injury like a tibia break in a football match, a nasty cut in a fall or even have a leg amputated after a car crash, you might be able to pursue a claim for compensation.

Any personal injury can have an impact on your life, and it is not any different with a leg injury. You may need time off work, pay expensive medical bills and even make adaptations to your home or car. In some serious cases, you may need to employ part-time or full-time care around the home.

You may have a leg injury claim for compensation if you were injured in an accident that was not your fault.

A no win no fee personal injury claim can take your claim to seek the damages you deserve for the leg injury.

Leg, foot and toe injury claim

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Common leg injury claims

Common leg injury claims may come from road traffic accidents, workplace injuries, and anywhere you have an accident that was not your fault. A leg injury can have a financial impact on your life, and you might have a claim for leg injury compensation. 

Common leg injury claims:

Workplace accident leg injury claim

A workplace accident leg injury claim can be for a crush injury from an object falling from a height or when you catch your leg in an unguarded machine. 

Other workplace accident leg injury claims can be for breaking a leg in a slip on a wet floor or bad lacerations, bruises and strained muscles in a fall down stairs.

Public area accident leg injury claim

A public area accident leg injury claim is for an accident that was not your fault in the pub, restaurant and any place open to the public.

You may have a claim for compensation if you cut your calf on broken glass in the pub or fall and twist your knee on a wet floor in the restaurant bathrooms.

Local authority accident leg injury claim

A local authority accident leg injury claim is for an accident in areas under the council’s control. You might trip over a root in the local park and snap a tendon or break your leg falling off your bike when it hits a pothole. 

If your public accident was not your fault, you could have a claim for compensation.

Schedule A Call

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible.

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of no win no fee claim experts.

Road traffic accident leg injury claim

A road traffic accident leg injury claim can be for a crush injury in a collision or severe lacerations when hit by another car pulling out onto a busy road. 

Severe leg injuries, such as multiple breaks and amputation, are often seen in car accidents, and you might have a claim for injury.

Schoolyard accident leg injury claims

Schoolyard accident leg injury claims can happen if a child is left unsupervised or if the schoolyard is poorly maintained. A child can trip on a broken paving stone and pull a muscle or fall off a wall, breaking their leg. 

You could have a claim for compensation if your child has a schoolyard accident leg injury that was not their fault.

Bike accident claims

Case Study

Street race strikes pedestrian – receives £4.6m for life changing injuries

Common foot injury claims

Foot injury claims may be for injuries that are not your fault when at work or if you fall on a broken pavement on the way to meet friends. You might have a claim for compensation if your bruised foot, broken ankle or deep cut on the sole of your foot was caused by someone else’s negligence. 

Common foot injury claims:

Cut foot from broken glass

A cut foot from broken glass on a dancefloor which has not been cleared might be a claim for foot injury compensation. You might have a claim if you cut your foot when wearing open sandals at a bar where a broken bottle is left on the floor by staff. 

A cut foot may take time to heal, and you may even need hospital treatment.

Toe amputated in a car accident

Having a toe amputated in a car accident is not unusual, especially for a driver with their foot stuck under the pedal. The impact of a car collision may have a devastating effect on the driver and passengers, and losing one or more toes is a common injury. 

If a foot injury accident was not your fault, you could have a claim for injury.

Snapped ligament on a football pitch

A snapped ligament on a football pitch can be a claim for compensation if the pitch is unsuitable for play, but the match goes ahead. You may also snap a ligament or do further damage to the foot in an illegal tackle during play. 

A snapped ligament may need time in hospital and will take months to heal.

Schedule A Call

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible.

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of no win no fee claim experts.

Broken ankle in a poorly maintained gym

A broken ankle in a poorly maintained gym happens when equipment is available for use which has not been serviced, or the floor is uneven in places. 

The gym owner owes the users a duty of care, and you might have a claim for compensation if you injure your foot in an accident that was not your fault.

Burn injury to the foot at work

A burn injury to the foot at work can happen when working with warm materials or in the kitchen of a busy restaurant. Hot oil can spill from the fryer, or a boiling kettle may fall off the canteen counter.

You might be able to claim compensation for a burn injury to the foot that was not your fault.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

How much can you claim for in a leg injury claim?

Compensation for leg injury claims ranges from the low £1,000s to more than £200,000 in the more serious claims. You may have a claim for leg injury compensation if your leg is injured in an accident that was not your fault.

Compensation for leg injury claims:

  • Simple fractures and soft tissue damage, up to £11,840
  • Simple fracture of the femur, up to £12,590
  • Fractures with incomplete recovery, up to £27,760
  • Severe compound fractures up to £54,830
  • Severe injury, short of amputation, up to £135,920
  • Amputation of both legs up to £282,010

Schedule Your Callback

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of claim experts.

Will I have to go to court for my claim?

You are very unlikely to have to go to court to make your claim for personal injury compensation.  

If you follow our advice, the claim process usually goes smoothly, and the vast majority of claims will be settled long before court proceedings are needed.  

 Our personal injury compensation claim team will fight your case. Even if court proceedings must be issued because, for example, the defendant unreasonably denies liability, the case is still unlikely to have to end up at a trial. 

Very few personal injury claims require court proceedings, and even fewer, less than 1%, will end up at trial.