A medical negligence solicitor handles your case when you have a possible claim for medical negligence compensation. If you suffer an injury or worse outcome due to medical negligence caused by someone else, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
Medical negligence claims are for the injury suffered and the effects on your life of possible negligence by a medical professional. You may have suffered due to medical negligence, and you might be able to claim damages.
Your medical negligence personal injury solicitor seeks to recover compensation through a claims process. If you have been injured, and your life impacted by medical negligence, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.
If you have been injured because of medical negligence, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

Table of contents
What is medical negligence?
Medical negligence is when you receive medical treatment below an acceptable standard. What is an acceptable standard is generally governed by what a reasonable body of medical professionals would find acceptable in similar circumstances.
Medical negligence could be an injury such as an avoidable surgical error, a misdiagnosis or the missing of the obvious signs of a stroke or heart attack.
If you experienced possible medical negligence, you may have a medical negligence claim for compensation.
A No Win No Fee solicitor can handle your claim for medical negligence compensation.
Common medical negligence claims
Medical negligence is when you receive medical treatment below an acceptable standard. What is an acceptable standard is generally governed by what a reasonable body of medical professionals would find acceptable in similar circumstances.
Medical negligence could be an injury such as an avoidable surgical error, a misdiagnosis or the missing of the obvious signs of a stroke or heart attack.
If you experienced possible medical negligence, you may have a medical negligence claim for compensation.
A No Win No Fee solicitor can handle your claim for medical negligence compensation.
GP medical negligence
GP medical negligence can be when your GP misses the signs of a condition you may have, fails to refer you for further tests, fails to carry out standard tests at the GP surgery or does not follow up on your test results.
A GP might for example misdiagnose a serious condition as being a minor one or may dismiss a broken wrist as only a sprain. They may prescribe incorrect medication or fail to refer a patient for further investigations when needed.

Hospital negligence
Hospital negligence could be receiving low-standard care when in a hospital. It could be an infection you might contract due to poor hygiene standards, delays in your treatment due to hospital management or errors in your care while in the hospital.
If your illness got worse or you suffered more pain due to low-standard hospital care, you might have a medical negligence claim.

Surgical negligence
Surgical negligence might be operating on the wrong part of the body, surgery on the wrong patient or damage to a nearby organ or nerve.
Your surgeon should know what each surgery is for and any possible complications to avoid. You might have a surgical negligence claim if the surgeon does not follow protocol and you suffer an injury or worse outcome.

Pharmacy negligence
Pharmacy negligence might be when the pharmacist gives you the wrong medication from your prescription, the incorrect dose instructions or even someone else’s medication.
The pharmacy should check all medications and seek to avoid a prescribing error that could cause you harm.

Maternity negligence
Maternity negligence might be an error in your care while having a baby that could injure your child or you.
Maternity negligence might be damage due to late delivery of your baby, not noticing the signs of stress in your baby during delivery, and an injury to your baby during birth.
Maternity negligence may also include missing the signs of infection in a newborn or failure to treat for possible haemorrhaging in the mother.

A and E negligence
A and E negligence might be when a doctor misses the signs of a stroke in a patient arriving at the emergency department or if they fail to diagnose a serious infection such as sepsis.
You might also suffer A and E negligence if there are unreasonable delays in your treatment or a doctor does not refer you for further tests when needed.
A and E negligence could also be not sending you for an X-Ray or not putting you on an antibiotic or drip when needed.

Other medical negligence claims
Other medical negligence claims might be experienced in any of the medical situations patients experience daily. You might get very ill, or your symptoms could worsen if you suffer from medical negligence.
Some of the other medical negligence claims handled by a medical negligence lawyers are:
If you suffer from possible medical negligence, you might have a medical negligence claim for compensation.
Medical negligence may not always be obvious, you may only become ill sometime later, but you may well still have a medical negligence claim for negligence.
A No Win No Fee solicitor can look at the details of your case and see if you have a possible medical negligence claim for compensation.
Our Process
We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.
Claim Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.
Legal Letter
Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.
Compensation for medical negligence
Compensation for medical negligence can range from a few thousand pounds to more than £10 million. How much compensation you can claim depends on the injuries suffered and the financial effect of those injuries on your life.
A medical professional or a hospital could be responsible for your injury due to medical negligence, and you might be able to seek compensation in a medical negligence claim.
Sample compensation amounts in a medical negligence claim are as follows. Please note these are figures for the injuries only. Financial losses would apply in addition:
(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You might also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the medical negligence. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.)
There is not one fixed amount in medical negligence claims. The circumstances differ from person to person and claim to claim, and the amount of compensation awarded is tailored to the circumstances of your claim.
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor can give you an idea of what to expect from their experience in compensation claims.

What can you claim for compensation in a medical negligence claim?
In a medical negligence claim, you claim compensation for two types of damages: General Damages and Special Damages.
The amount of compensation awarded is the total of these two types of damages.
General Damages
General damages is the claim you make for what is known as PSLA, or the Pain, Suffering and Loss of Amenity you experience directly from the medical negligence.
Pain is that suffered as a direct result of the injury or any treatment for it.
Suffering is the discomfort in your life as a result of the injury
Loss of Amenity is the disruption to your daily life, such as difficulty or restriction in walking, sitting, playing sports, and sleeping.
Special Damages
Special damages cover your past and future financial losses. These could include loss of earnings, care costs, medical treatment or specialist rehabilitation, aids, adaptations and any other out-of-pocket expenses you have or might suffer due to the medical negligence injury.
Loss of earnings is for income lost directly from being off work and any reduction in income expected from not being able to return to your current type of employment.
Care costs include the care needed to recover from the injury and any long-term care and treatment costs, whether provided by friends and family or professionally.
Out-of-pocket expenses are for your medical appointments, travel and accommodation and any other costs incurred after the injury.
Compensation is awarded to cover all losses, including loss of life, medical expenses and long-term care needs arising from the injury in a medical negligence case.
You need records such as payslips, all day-to-day receipts, and any other paperwork showing your losses from the injury.
A No Win No Fee solicitor handles your medical negligence claim and seeks the compensation you deserve.
Who is responsible for medical negligence?
A medical professional can be responsible for a medical negligence claim. A tired doctor on duty at the hospital, a poorly-trained nurse or a surgeon doing surgery at the end of a busy day might be responsible for your injury.
Medical negligence is treatment by medical professionals that is below acceptable standards. If you experience medical treatment that another professional doctor would not provide, you may suffer due to medical negligence.
The hospital or clinic where you are a patient may also be responsible for medical negligence. It could be the hospital that employs a doctor or nurse not qualified for the work involved. A hospital or clinic that does not practise good hygiene standards may also be responsible for medical negligence.
If the hospital or GP clinic does not follow accepted guidelines for patient treatment, they may be responsible for medical negligence. NICE guidelines outline how a patient should be treated, and a breach of those guidelines could be medical negligence.
Your No Win No Fee solicitor can help you make a claim against those who could be responsible for your medical negligence injury.

What are the steps in making a medical negligence claim?
To make a claim for medical negligence compensation, there are usually a few standard steps to follow. We will guide you through the entire process from first contact through to the conclusion of your claim.
No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor
A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor should be your only choice when making a claim. A No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitor fights your case and does not take a fee if you do not win.
A No Win No Fee solicitor only charges you for winning the case, and you can agree to all the terms before the claim begins. The insurance company may pay some of the legal fees, and a No Win No Fee solicitor will agree with you on how much of the shortfall might come from your compensation.
It is usually a percentage of up to a maximum of 25%, although the deduction may be nothing in larger cases.
You should be cautious about instructing a solicitor who does not have experience with medical negligence cases and who will not agree to take your case on a No Win No Fee basis, as you could end up with a large bill if your claim fails.
An experienced No Win No Fee solicitor handles your medical negligence claim to try and get you the compensation you deserve.

Medical Negligence FAQs
A few medical negligence FAQs and answers should help you when deciding on making a clinical negligence claim for compensation.
You might have a claim for compensation if you possibly experienced medical negligence, and a No Win No Fee solicitor can answer any of your questions.
Find out how much you can claim for today
Find out how much you can claim for today by using our online assessment tool. It will give you an idea of what you might be able to claim for and what compensation you might be able to expect in a medical negligence claim.
Compensation amounts are guidelines only on what to expect from your claim. Our solicitors can advise you using their expertise and experience and can quickly tell you if you have a valid medical negligence claim and what to do next.
Our team of No Win No Fee specialist medical negligence solicitors can take your case to seek the compensation you deserve. We have the experience to handle your claim for compensation and see it through to a successful conclusion, whether the claim is worth £1,500 or more than £10,000,000.
Take our online assessment today to get an idea of claim amounts and what you could be due for the pain, suffering and impact on your life.
Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate expert advice tailored to you.