Bar and nightclub injury claims seek compensation for an injury you suffer in an accident that is not your fault. If you suffer injury in a bar or nightclub due to an accident caused at least in part by someone else’s negligence, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

You could be injured on a night out if you are in an accident in a bar or nightclub. Bar and nightclub claims can also be workplace injury claims when an employee is hurt in an accident on the premises.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you or a loved one have been injured, and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for the injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

Bar and nightclub injury claims seek compensation for an injury you suffer in an accident

What is a bar injury claim?

A bar injury claim is a legal process to seek compensation when you are injured in an accident that was not your fault. You could suffer a bar injury when slipping on a wet bathroom floor or if you cut your hand on broken glass left on a table.

In a bar accident, you could suffer serious injury to muscles, nerves and tendons, broken bones and may need surgery to aid recovery. You may be off work for some time recovering from the accident if the injury takes time to heal.

You may have a workplace injury claim if your bar injury happens when doing your job. An employer has a duty of care to employees, and it is not any different for bar owners.

A bar injury claim seeks compensation to cover the costs of the bar injury and the effects of it on your life. You could be injured, need hospital care, and have large medical bills to pay, but you might be able to claim compensation to cover your costs.

What is a nightclub injury claim?

A nightclub injury claim is a legal process to seek compensation when you are injured in an accident that was not your fault. You could suffer a nightclub injury slipping on the storeroom steps or if you suffer an assault while doing your job.

In a nightclub accident, you could suffer serious injury to the face, arms, legs, and feet. You may be off work for some time recovering from the accident if the injury takes time to heal.

You may have a workplace injury claim if your nightclub injury happens when doing your job. An employer has a duty of care to employees, and it is not any different for owners of nightclubs.

A personal injury claim seeks compensation to cover the costs of the injury and the effects of it on your life. You could be injured, need hospital care, and have large medical bills to pay, but you might be able to claim compensation to cover your costs.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can review your case and advise if you have a valid nightclub injury claim.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

Common nightclub and pub injury claims

Common nightclub and pub injury claims range from deep cuts and bruises to slips, trips, and falls on wet floors or faulty stairs. You could have an injury claim for compensation if you suffered an injury in a bar or nightclub. 

Some of the common nightclub and bar injury claims:

claim for compensation if you suffered an injury in a bar or nightclub

Severed nerves in a cut from a broken bottle

Severed nerves in a cut from a broken bottle not cleared away in a bar or nightclub is a serious injury. The severed nerves may need surgery, take time to heal, and leave long term sensory damage. 

A broken bottle can also cause scarring and the bar or nightclub has a duty of care to clear away broken glass and protect employees and patrons from injury.

Deep cuts to the leg from a fall on broken glass

Deep cuts to the leg from a fall on broken glass can leave a scar and cause nerve and muscle damage. Broken glass is not unusual in a busy bar but should be cleared as soon as reasonably possible, with the area cordoned off for cleaning. 

The establishment should have a documented system for regular inspections to ensure the premises are safe and free from hazards. 

Sprained wrist in a slip on a wet bathroom floor

A sprained wrist in a slip on a wet bathroom floor could be avoidable if there had been warning signs put out when spillages happen, or when the floor was being mopped or cleaned.

The sprained wrist can be very painful and may make driving and other activities difficult. 

The bar and nightclub owner is responsible for keeping floors dry and for staff to be aware of leaks, spillages and other hazards.

Broken eye socket in an assault

A broken eye socket in an assault could be due to the bar or nightclub owner not employing enough security staff or staff who are properly trained to deal with such trouble. 

If you are injured in an assault that was not of your doing, you may have a claim for compensation. 

Even if there is no valid claim against the bar, an injured person may well have a valid claim against the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, which seeks to compensate innocent victims of violent crime.  

Dislocated shoulder in a trip on an uneven barroom floor

A dislocated shoulder in a trip on an uneven barroom floor can leave you in pain and unable to play sport or exercise. Any slip on a torn carpet, loose floorboard or poorly-maintained floor in a public area can cause an injury and affect your life. 

You may be able to make a claim for bar or nightclub injury if the accident was not your fault or only partially your fault.

Are you eligible for compensation?

If you want to pursue damages for the accident you have suffered, we have a simple 3 step process to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

  • Take our online assessment & speak with our team
  • Our team of claim specialists will undertake a full case review
  • We will send a legal letter and our solicitors will pursue your compensation on your behalf

All case reviews are 100% cost and commitment free.

Soft tissue injury in a fall over bar room furniture

A soft tissue injury in a fall over barroom furniture left in the way of patrons, such as tables and chairs placed too close to the bar, may be a cause for a compensation claim. 

The bar or nightclub owner should be aware of the potential hazard of furniture and keep walkways and other areas free of clutter.

Trips on loose cables causing facial injury

Trips on loose cables causing facial injury may happen when due care is not taken with wiring and the setting up of music sessions. Cables should not be laid across walkways nor left lying around the dance floor. 

All potential trip hazards should be identified, and the bar and nightclub kept safe for patrons and staff.

Poor lighting in a bar or nightclub leads to falls

Poor lighting in a bar or nightclub can lead to falls with cuts, bruises, broken bones, and soft tissue injuries. Bars and nightclubs are kept dim for the atmosphere but not so much that patrons can fall and injure themselves. 

Corridors and exits should be properly lit and safe for people to walk on throughout the night.

PTSD after a serious assault on the dancefloor

PTSD after a serious assault on the dancefloor is a condition that could last a lifetime and can restrict your social life. The trauma of an assault can cause fear, and when involved in an unprovoked attack, that fear can make you wary of strangers. 

The bar and nightclub owners should consider the need for security staff to police entry to the premises and reduce the likelihood of violence happening during the evening. 

You may have a bar or nightclub claim for compensation against those liable if you are injured, and it was not wholly your fault.

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If your case does not win for whatever reason, you will not go out of pocket as we operate a strict no win, no fee policy.

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We offer a free no-obligation consultation and claim assessment for all our clients.

Who is liable in a pub or nightclub injury claim?

The owners and management of the bar or nightclub may be liable for your injury claim. If you are injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may be able to make a claim against those responsible. 

The Owners Liability Act 1957 outlines the responsibilities a bar or nightclub owner has to customers on the premises. They are the business owners and should follow the guidelines to try and prevent injury to customers. 

The Owners Liability Act states how bar owners should:

  • Carry out regular risk assessments of the premises
  • Identify any potential hazards and remove them
  • Keep the bar or nightclub in a good state of repair
  • Ensure staff are aware of spillages and keep the premises clean
  • Make customers aware of any hazards in the bar or nightclub
  • Mark Emergency Exits and keep them clear at all times
  • Keep control of crowds and crowd numbers
  • Make sure all areas are adequately lit at all times

The list is not exhaustive, and bar and nightclub owners should employ enough fully-trained staff to keep the premises safe for both customers and employees. 

You may have a claim for compensation if you can show:

  • The bar or nightclub owner has a duty of care to you
  • They breached that duty of care, leading to an accident or assault
  • Your injuries arose directly from that breach of duty of care

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can review your case to see if you may have a bar and nightclub claim for compensation.

Bar or nightclub workplace injury claims

Bar or nightclub workplace injury claims seek compensation if you are injured in an accident in the workplace that was not your fault or wholly your fault.

Your employer must keep the workplace reasonably safe for all employees as part of their duty of care to you, and you may have a bar or nightclub injury claim if you can show your employer:

  • Has a duty of care to you
  • Breached of that duty of care
  • Your bar or nightclub injuries come from the accident that was not your fault

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, your employer has a duty to provide a safe working environment for all employees. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can explain the Act and how you might have a claim for personal injury compensation.

Workplace injury compensation

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Compensation for bar or nightclub accident claims

If you have been involved in an accident on a night out, speak to a personal injury solicitor to find out if you are entitled to compensation.

Sample compensation amounts in a personal injury claim are as follows. Please note these are figures for the injuries only. Financial losses would apply in addition:

  • Minor eye injuries, from £3,950 to £8,730
  • Partial hearing loss and tinnitus, from £7,010 to £45,540
  • Moderate hip and pelvis injury, from £12,590 to £39,170
  • Severe shoulder injury, from £19,200 to £48,030
  • Hand injury, including amputation of fingers, from £29,000 to £61,910
  • Permanent mobility problems with legs, from £54,830 to £87,890
  • Severe back injury, from £38,780 to £160,980
  • Traumatic chest injury, from £65,740 to £100,670
  • Moderate brain injury, from £43,060 to £219,070
  • Paraplegia, from £219,070 to £284,260

Personal Injury Case Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case.
This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

Evidence to support a bar or nightclub injury claim

Evidence to support a bar or nightclub injury claim should help show that the accident was not wholly your fault and someone else was at least partially responsible.

If you suffer a bar or nightclub injury, as an employee or customer, you will need to gather as much evidence as possible to successfully claim compensation.

When gathering evidence to support your bar or nightclub injury claim, you should:

  • Take note of where, when and who is involved
  • Use your phone to take photographs of the scene
  • Get the details of everyone involved in the accident
  • Get a copy of the accident at work report
  • Get the details of any witnesses
  • Find CCTV evidence if possible
  • Look for any phone camera evidence
  • Call for medical help to assess your injuries
  • Call the police if necessary
  • Get the police crime report number
  • Take photos of your injuries at the scene
How to prove your claim for personal injury compensation

Find out how much you can claim for today

If you have been injured in a pub, bar, restaurant or nightclub and it was not your fault, you may be entitled to a personal injury claim for compensation.

Compensation amounts are guidelines only on what to expect from your personal injury claim. Our personal injury solicitors can advise you using their expertise and experience and can quickly tell you if you have a valid claim and what to do next.

Our team of No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors can take your case to seek the compensation you deserve. We have the experience to handle your claim for personal injury compensation and see it through to a successful conclusion, whether the claim is worth £1,500 or more than £10,000,000.

When you suffer a personal injury, the effects on your life can be devastating. If the personal injury is not your fault, it can make the situation feel even worse.

Take our online assessment today to get an idea of claim amounts and what you could be due for the pain, suffering and impact on your life.

Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate expert advice tailored to you.