A hearing loss due to injury claim seeks compensation when you lose some or all of your hearing in an accident that was not your fault. If you suffer hearing loss due to injury, and it is not wholly your fault, you may have a personal injury claim for compensation.

When you have hearing loss due to an injury caused at least partly by someone else’s negligence, you may well be entitled to claim compensation. You claim for the hearing loss caused by the injury and the effects of it on your life.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you or a loved one have been injured and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for the injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

Hearing loss due to injury claim

Common claims for hearing loss injuries

Common claims for hearing loss due to injury range from industrial hearing damage to car accidents and violent assault. If you suffer a hearing loss that is not due to age but could be due to injury, you might have a claim for compensation. 

Common claims for hearing loss due to injury:

Common claims for hearing loss injuries

Hearing loss due to workplace noise

Hearing loss due to workplace noise injury is caused by persistent background noise at your place of work that breaches government guidelines. Your workplace needs not be a factory with heavy machinery; you can suffer hearing loss in many work environments. 

Workplaces where you may suffer hearing loss due to noise levels:

  • Call Centres when you are constantly wearing headphones
  • Nightclubs and bars which breach hearing guidelines
  • Using power tools without being given adequate hearing protection
  • Busy factories with heavy machinery
  • Construction sites with high levels of background noise

 You could suffer hearing loss over a period of time, such as months and years, but in some cases, your hearing may deteriorate in a shorter space of time. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can handle your case when you might have a hearing loss through an injury compensation claim.

Hearing loss in a road traffic accident

Hearing loss in a road traffic accident may happen from a blow to the head when you hit the windscreen or from the noise of the accident. In other cases, a perforated eardrum and other aural injuries will cause hearing loss. 

Many injuries can come from car accidents. Hearing loss, whether partial or total, is a common injury that could affect you for life. 

You may have a compensation claim for hearing loss if you damage your hearing when in a road traffic accident.

Hearing loss due to a physical assault

Hearing loss due to a physical assault can happen from a direct blow to the head or hitting your head off the pavement or other surfaces. An unprovoked assault can happen out of nowhere, and a blow to the head is often very unexpected. 

The damage to your hearing could be temporary, or it may have lasting effects on your ability to hear clearly and to concentrate during conversations. You may suffer minor brain damage after a blow to the head, which can cause long-term hearing loss. 

If you are injured in an assault and suffer hearing loss, you could have a claim for compensation.

Are you eligible for compensation?

If you want to pursue damages for the accident you have suffered, we have a simple 3 step process to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

  • Take our online assessment & speak with our team
  • Our team of claim specialists will undertake a full case review
  • We will send a legal letter and our solicitors will pursue your compensation on your behalf

All case reviews are 100% cost and commitment free.

Hearing loss due to sudden high-decibel noise at work

Hearing loss due to sudden high-decibel noise at work can happen at a factory where poorly stacked stock collapses, a piercing alarm goes off without warning or even an explosion on a construction site. 

Sudden high-decibel noise can do a lot of immediate damage to your hearing. The shock of the noise can damage your eardrums or the muscles of your inner ear. If you are not wearing ear protection, the damage could be severe.

 You may have a compensation claim for hearing loss when you experience a sudden loud noise at work.

Hearing loss due to an injury playing sport

Hearing loss due to an injury playing sport happens in contact sports when you are tackled illegally. Sports such as rugby, football and rugby league involve head impact tackles, which are against the rules and can damage your hearing. 

The sudden impact of a blow to the head can damage the inner ear, perforate an eardrum, and cause permanent hearing loss due to the injury. You could suffer the impact from the tackle or when knocked to the ground, but the hearing loss can be devastating. 

If you suffer hearing loss from an injury when playing sport, you could have a compensation claim for damages.

Compensation for a hearing loss injury claim

Sample compensation amounts in a personal injury claim are as follows. Please note these are figures for the injuries only. Financial losses would apply in addition.

  • Slight Noise Induced Hearing Loss, NIHL, up to £7,100
  • Need for the use of hearing aids for a time, up to £9,700
  • Slight tinnitus with NIHL, up to £12,950
  • Moderate tinnitus with NIHL, or NIHL alone, up to £29,710
  • Severe tinnitus with NIHL, up to £45,540
  • Total hearing loss in one ear, up to £45,540
  • Total deafness with tinnitus, up to £109,650

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 aims to protect workers from the causes of industrial accidents, such as workplace injuries causing hearing loss. 

In the Health and Safety Act 1974, the responsibilities of employers towards their employees are outlined and guaranteed. The Act also covers how employees should behave in the workplace and how to provide a safe working environment. 

The Health and Safety at Work Act ensures that:

  • Employers provide health and safety training to all workers
  • The workplace is a safe place for employees
  • The workplace is well-maintained
  • Business is carried out according to safe procedures
  • Employees are cared for properly in the workplace
  • Employees have access to safety information for their work
  • Employees are properly supervised by trained staff

All aspects of employer, employee and visitor safety and responsibilities are outlined in the Act. Your employer must make you aware of the Act and what it means for you in the workplace. 

A breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act could cause a hearing loss injury, and you might be able to claim compensation when injured, and it is not your fault.

Schedule Your Callback

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of claim experts.

Hearing loss in the workplace accident claim

A hearing loss in the workplace accident claim could get you compensation for an injury to your hearing that was not your fault when at work. Your employer has a duty of care to you, and you should not suffer hearing loss while in the workplace.

Our team of no win no fee personal injury solicitors can handle your case if you have a hearing loss in the workplace claim for compensation.

Common ways you can suffer hearing loss in a workplace accident:

  • When using heavy machinery without using hearing protection
  • In a call center, when using headphones without a break
  • Due to a loud explosion in an accident
  • When hit by a vehicle such as a van or a forklift
  • An assault by a colleague
  • In a fall from height accident
  • When working in a loud environment without sufficient breaks
  • High-level ambient noise, such as when working in a warehouse or airport

If you work in an industry with high background noise or heavy machinery, your employer should supply you with protective headphones. You should also receive adequate breaks away from the noisy environment. 

You may have a hearing loss in the workplace accident claim if your hearing suffers due to work, and you could make a hearing loss compensation claim.

Causes of hearing loss

Causes of hearing loss range from medical negligence to industrial accidents and workplace injuries. If you suffer an injury that could cause your hearing loss, you may have a personal injury claim for compensation

Causes of hearing loss can be:

  • Road traffic accidents
  • Criminal assault
  • Workplace accidents
  • Industrial deafness
  • Head injuries
  • Physical assault
  • Undiagnosed health issues such as meningitis
  • Errors with prescribing medication

You may not realise at the time of the injury that you have suffered an injury leading to hearing loss. Often, hearing loss happens over time, such as in industrial or workplace injuries. Other hearing loss injuries can happen soon after the injury, such as hearing loss caused by assault or when in a road traffic accident. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can advise you on how to handle your possible hearing loss due to an injury claim.