A neck injury claim seeks compensation for the damages in an accident that was not your fault. A neck injury can have you off work, unable to drive or even needing to change your life.

You may need to make alterations to your home and car and even need full-time care. The changes to your life after a neck injury are many, and you may claim personal injury compensation for all the damages you suffer.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you have been injured, and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors will file your compensation claim and get you the money you deserve.

seek compensation for a neck injury claim

What is a neck injury claim?

A neck injury claim is the legal process for compensation after you injure your neck in an accident that was not your fault. Your personal injury solicitor seeks damages from the negligent party’s insurance company to cover all costs and expenses now and in the future.

When someone’s negligence causes you to injure your neck, you may claim compensation. You should not have to suffer pain, discomfort and be out of pocket when your neck injury was not your fault.

You can injure your neck in a workplace accident, a road traffic accident or in any one of the many types of accidents seen in the UK every day.

Our personal injury solicitors handle your compensation claim when you are injured, and it was not your fault.

Personal Injury Case Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case.
This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

Common neck injury claims

Common neck injury claims can happen anywhere and at any time. You could be driving to work, taking the kids to school or climbing the stairs at work. If you suffer a neck injury in an accident that was not your fault, you may start a neck injury claim.

Some of the common neck injury claims are:

A neck injury in the workplace

A neck injury in the workplace can happen with a slip, trip and fall, a tumble down the stairs or when hit by a falling object. The workplace should be a safe place where you can work without fear of injury.

Your employer owes you a duty of care and should take steps to prevent a neck injury in the workplace.

Workplace injury compensation

A neck injury in a road traffic accident

A neck injury in a road traffic accident can happen when driving or as a passenger in a car. You may also be hit by a car or truck when cycling or taking the dog for a walk.

A tip from a heavy car or bus can do a lot of damage, and many neck injuries happen from the smallest of accidents.

road traffic accident compensation

A neck injury in a public place

A neck injury in a public place may be from a slip on a bathroom floor at the pub or from falling over loose cables at a concert. You may also injure your neck if hit by a falling object at the supermarket or tripping on a broken pavement in the local park.

Any injury in a public place is also known as a public liability claim, and you may be able to claim compensation for your neck injury from the negligent party.

public liability claim

A neck injury in a sports accident

A neck injury in a sports accident can happen if you suffer a high, illegal tackle on the rugby pitch or when gym equipment collapses on you when exercising.

You could also suffer a neck injury due to incorrect or poor coaching methods and in a fall at an equestrian event.

Sports injury compensation claim

A neck injury on holiday

A neck injury on holiday is often due to faulty equipment hire, such as a bike with faulty brakes or a slip on a wet surface around the swimming pool. Your neck injury may be avoidable and could put an end to your holiday.

A neck injury claim from an accident while on holiday may recover your losses and damages if the accident was not your fault.

Holiday injury claims

A neck injury in a farming accident

A neck injury in a farming accident easily happens as there are many dangerous spots on every farm. You could injure your neck when handling an animal or in a fall from a ladder. 

A slip on a muddy farmyard may be avoidable, and you might have a compensation claim for your neck injury. Any neck injury will be sore, and you could need therapy sessions and wear neck support for a while. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will handle your neck injury compensation claim if you have been injured and it was not your fault.

Farm accident personal injury claims

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Compensation for Neck injury claims

Neck Injury compensation guidelines based on the Juidical College Guidelines:

  • Minor neck injury with recovery within three months up to £2,450
  • Minor neck injury with recovery in one year up to £4,350
  • Minor neck injury with recovery within two years up to £7,890
  • Moderate neck injury with soft tissue damage up to £13,740
  • Moderate neck injury with permanent or recurring pain up to £24,990
  • Moderate neck injury with chronic conditions up to £38,490
  • Severe neck injury with significant disability up to £55,990
  • Severe neck injury with permanent damage up to £130,930
  • Severe neck injury with incomplete paraplegia up to £148,330

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

Common neck injuries

The common neck injuries in a personal injury claim range from cracked vertebrae to muscle and nerve damage. If you injure your neck in an accident that was not your fault, you may have a neck injury compensation claim.

Some common neck injuries are:

  • Broken neck, also known as fractured vertebrae
  • Damage to discs in the cervical spine
  • Spinal fusion
  • Nerve damage in the neck
  • Spondylosis
  • Torn ligaments in the neck
  • Stiff muscles and tendons
  • Muscles spasms
  • Damage from deep lacerations

The common neck injuries may lead to pain, often chronic pain, and a difficulty in leading a normal life. You may be curtailed in your ability to drive, care for yourself or your family. 

Many neck injury victims need time off work and may need to make alterations to their homes and cars.

If you suffer a neck injury in an accident that was not your fault, you might be able to claim compensation in a neck injury claim.

Whiplash injury claims

Whiplash injury claims generally refer to a soft tissue injury to the neck, back or shoulders. These injuries are typically suffered by those who are the victim of a “rear end shunt” when their vehicle is hit to the rear by another road user. 

Symptoms include pain, stiffness, difficulty turning the neck and shoulder, and chronic pain. You can suffer a whiplash injury as a passenger or driver, and the effects can be devastating. 

A fixed tariff for whiplash claims applies to road accidents occurring after 31 May 2021, and compensation amounts are significantly lower than before this legislation and change in the law. 

No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors deal with whiplash injury claims daily but usually only as part of a larger road traffic injury claim involving more significant injuries such as a back injury, facial scarring, or broken bones.

whiplash claim