A workplace injury claim seeks compensation when you are injured at work and it is not your fault. Many people suffer a personal injury at work every day and the effects can be devastating.

A workplace injury can have you off work and affect your day-to-day life too. You may not be able to drive, look after the kids or even take care of yourself.

A leg break, back strain or skin injury can all happen at work. Unfortunately death is not unheard of in some work injury compensation claims.

You will be due compensation for a workplace injury. Medical bills, living expenses and education costs all need to be paid, and when you cannot work, you cannot earn a wage.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will take your compensation claim and get the money you deserve for the suffering.

Workplace injury compensation

What is a workplace injury?

A workplace injury is when you are injured at work and it is not your fault. You could fall from a ladder, slip on a wet floor or injure your back lifting a box of paper.

The injury can be to your arms, legs, back or anywhere on your body. A burn, scald, break or strain all count as workplace injuries and you can claim compensation when one happens to you.

An employer has a duty of care to you, and must have employer liability insurance in place. They must carry out regular risk assessments so you do not have an accident at work as well as providing training on all equipment.

There are many types of workplace injury claims, and they range from the minor injuries to losing a limb and serious brain injury.

The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 lays out the responsibilities of employers and employees when creating a safe workplace for all. The act covers every aspect of health and safety in the workplace for the UK and has proved invaluable in the nearly 50 years since its inception.

Personal Injury Case Assessment

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Common workplace injury claims

Common workplace injury claims are for accidents at places of business and cover all types of injuries. If you suffer an accident at work you can file a compensation claim and get help with your recovery.

Common workplace injury claims are for:

Common workplace injury claims are for accidents at places of business

Crushing accident at work claims

Crushing accident at work claims is when any part of your body is crushed at the workplace. It could be your finger is caught in an automatically closing door or your hand is crushed by heavy machinery.

Trucks, forklifts, heavy lifting equipment and machinery are dangers in the workplace. Crush injuries damage bones, nerves, tendons and ligaments.

A crushing accident is a serious injury, with amputation a possibility, and recovery can take a long time.

It is the employer’s responsibility to give you full training when using machinery. They must also ensure it is working properly and safely, with guardrails in place where necessary.

If you are crushed by a machine you are using you could have a workplace accident claim.

Crushing accident at work claims - personal injury

Needle stick injury claims

Needle stick injury claims are when you are stuck by a used needle in an accident at work. Used needles can carry infection that will spread easily if not disposed of properly.

Most needle stick injuries happen in medical settings such as a hospital or GP clinic. A nurse or cleaner may get pricked by a needle left exposed in the workplace.

They can happen when you are removing rubbish and a needle is left uncapped in a refuse bag. Workers cleaning old buildings or public places can also get a needle stick injury.

A needle stick work injury can cause disease and infection and be very stressful for you, the employee.

A work injury compensation claim will take this into account when seeking an award.

Needle Stick Injury Claim

Industrial injury claims

Industrial injury claims are for any of the myriad of injuries that can happen in the workplace. It could be a fall from scaffolding, a slip down unprotected stairs or injury from a dropped block on a site.

All industrial injuries put you in line for a workplace accident claim. It is not your fault that a chemical spill burns your legs or you damage vertebrae lifting a filing cabinet.

Any serious injury will put you off work and leave you out of pocket. You can proceed with an accident at work claim to get work injury compensation to cover your losses.

industrial injuries put you in line for a workplace accident claim

Military injury claims

Military injury claims are for injuries experienced while on duty for your country. Workplace injuries happen anywhere, and serving in the military is not any different when it comes to work compensation claims.

You could be crushed by a reversing truck or military vehicle. Firing a gun without personal protective equipment can lead to deafness and, slips and falls can happen anywhere.

Taking a military injury compensation claim is a step towards getting your life back together.

Military injury claims are for injuries experienced while on duty

Farm accident claims

Farm accident claims seek compensation for injuries in what can be a very dangerous workplace.

Workplace injury claims for farm accidents include being crushed by heavy machinery, losing a limb or falls from roofs and outbuildings. Injuries by farm animals can break a leg and chemical poisoning is a risk too.

A farm accident claim, like any work injury claim will get you the compensation award to pay the medical bills and cover expenses.

Farm accident personal injury claims

Forklift accident claims

Forklift accident claims are when the forklift hits an employee, topples over or is in a crash. Injuries from a forklift accident can be serious and you can claim compensation for the damage caused.

You could break a leg or arm when falling from a forklift. A crush injury is not unusual and people hit by a forklift often get a spine injury or multiple fractures.

You can claim compensation for a forklift accident at work.

Office accident claims

Office accident claims can happen anytime and anywhere in a busy workplace. There is a lot of machinery and places to have an accident in any office environment.

Standard office work claims include getting a hand caught in the paper shredder, a piece of equipment falling on a worker or someone slipping in a wet corridor.

You can make a personal injury claim for compensation after an accident at work.

Office accident personal injury claims

Manual handling injury claims

Manual handling injury claims are those associated with lifting, moving , pushing and carrying. The everyday actions can cause injury if not done properly and without full training.

Around one third of all workplace injuries are due to manual handling accidents. In any workplace there is always something to be moved, but a personal injury can easily happen at the same time.

Your employer’s negligence in not providing training and lifting equipment gives you a right to claim compensation.

Manual handling injury claims

Asbestos claims

Asbestos claims are for damage to your health following exposure to asbestos fibres in the workplace. It is usually in the removal of asbestos or disposal of it that the exposure happens.

Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos – the most common cause is asbestos. If you are working with asbestos you should be provided with personal protective equipment to prevent a workplace accident.

A work accident compensation claim for asbestos is the only way to get the financial support to help you fight the Mesothelioma.

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Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of claim experts.

How much can I claim in compensation for a workplace injury

You can claim compensation for a workplace injury any amount from the low £1,000s to over £350,000 in the more serious personal injury claims.

This is just for the injury. Loss of earnings, care costs and other expenses would be in addition to this with some of the more serious personal injury claims running into several million pounds.

There is not one fixed amount in workplace injury claims. The circumstances differ from person to person, and the amount of compensation awarded differs too.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can give you an idea on what to expect from their experience in compensation claims. They will also tell you that no two claims are the same and each case must stand on its own merits.

A deciding factor in every workplace accident claim is what you can claim for compensation.

Compensation calculator

What can I claim for compensation?

You claim compensation in a workplace injury claim for the damages arising from the accident.

In every personal injury claim, including workplace injury, there are two types of damages: General Damages and Specific Damages. The amount of compensation awarded is a total of the two types of damages.

General damages are the claim you make for what is known as PSLA, or the Pain, Suffering and Loss of Amenity you experience directly from the workplace injury.

  • Pain is that coming from the injury
  • Suffering is the discomfort in your life as a result of the workplace injury
  • Loss of Amenity is the disruption to your daily life, such as when walking, playing sports, sitting and sleeping

Special damages cover your loss of earnings, all the future care costs, and out-of-pocket expenses you will have due to the workplace injury.

  • Loss of earnings is for income lost directly from being off work and any reduction in income expected from not being able to return to your current type of employment.
  • Future care costs are for the care needed to recover from the workplace injury and the costs of any long-term care and treatment.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses are for your medical appointments, travel and accommodation and any other costs incurred after the workplace injury.

Compensation is awarded to cover all losses, including loss of life, medical expenses and long-term care needs arising from the injury at the workplace.

You will need records such as payslips, all day-to-day receipts, and all other paperwork that shows your losses from the workplace injury.

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will guide you through the legal process and explain in full what you need when claiming compensation for a workplace injury.

Am I entitled to compensation for a workplace injury?

Yes, you are entitled to compensation for a workplace injury. If you are injured in an accident at work and it was not your fault, you can claim compensation.

The compensation claim gets you the money you deserve for the damages arising from a workplace accident. You are the one who suffered the injury, and you should get compensation.

A workplace injury will have an impact on your life both now and in the future. The compensation you receive is to cover all the damages from the workplace injury.

Are you eligible for compensation?

If you want to pursue damages for the accident you have suffered, we have a simple 3 step process to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

  • Take our online assessment & speak with our team
  • Our team of claim specialists will undertake a full case review
  • We will send a legal letter and our solicitors will pursue your compensation on your behalf

All case reviews are 100% cost and commitment free.

Am I entitled to compensation for a workplace injury if I was partly at fault?

Yes, you are entitled to compensation for a workplace injury if you were partly at fault. Your employer has a duty of care to you and if you can show they breached that duty of care, you may have a compensation claim.

The employer’s duty of care includes training you in using all equipment and machinery on the premises. If you have a workplace accident that was partly your fault but is also due to inadequate training then you may have a workplace accident claim.

If the employer does not keep the workplace safe for you and you have an accident at work, then you can claim compensation. Untidy work areas, leaking pipes, unsafe stairways and badly lit rooms are all examples of unsafe workspaces.

You are entitled to compensation for a workplace injury if you were partly at fault, and do not let your employer convince you otherwise.