Healthcare worker injury claims seek compensation if you suffer a personal injury when working in the healthcare system. You could suffer an injury as a hospital porter, an ICU nurse, a GP or as a surgeon, but you may have a compensation claim for the workplace injury. 

Healthcare worker injury claims are for the back pain from lifting patients, the needlestick injury when taking bloods or the assault by a violent patient. You make the personal injury claim for the effects of the injury today and in the future. 

The employer owes employees a duty of care when they are at work. If the NHS or private healthcare provider breaches that duty of care, resulting in a workplace injury, the healthcare employee may have a personal injury compensation claim. 

A Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid healthcare worker injury claim.

Healthcare worker injury claims

What is a health care injury claim?

A healthcare injury claim is for compensation for the injury you may suffer when working in the healthcare system. You could suffer eye damage, facial lacerations and broken bones while working as a healthcare worker, and you could have a healthcare injury claim. 

There are more than 300,000 healthcare worker injuries reported in the UK annually. Of these healthcare worker injuries, 29% are for slips, trips and falls type accidents, 26% are due to assault, and 21% are injuries from lifting, handling and carrying. If you have a healthcare-type injury, you may have a compensation claim. 

Over the three-year period to the end of 2023, the survey shows 51% of longstanding health concerns in healthcare workers were for stress and anxiety conditions, 20% was for musculoskeletal injury, and the balance was for other workplace type injuries. 

Healthcare workers who suffer workplace injuries in the UK:

  • Nurses
  • GPs
  • Hospital consultants
  • A&E doctors and nurses
  • Radiologists
  • Security staff
  • Social workers
  • Hospital cleaners
  • Hospital porters
  • Hospital administrative staff

A healthcare injury can happen anywhere from the GP clinic to the busy A&E department to the home the health worker is visiting. If you suffered a healthcare worker injury, you could have a workplace injury claim for compensation.

The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your healthcare worker injury claim for the compensation you deserve.

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Common hospitality injury claims

Common workplace injury claims made by healthcare workers range from the back injury when lifting patients to the cuts from sharp medical devices to PTSD due to working conditions. If you have a workplace injury, you may be able to claim workplace injury compensation. 

Healthcare workers have a stressful workplace due to the nature of their work. You could suffer a personal injury while at work and have a healthcare worker injury claim. 

Workplace injury claims made by healthcare workers:

  • Broken bones in slips, trips and falls claims
  • Cuts and needlestick injury claims
  • Back injury claims for lifting, carrying, and handling
  • Assault injury claims by healthcare staff
  • Stress, anxiety and PTSD injury claims
healthcare workers workplace injury claims

Broken bones in slips, trips and falls claims

Broken bones in slips, trips and falls claims are common among healthcare workers. A busy hospital ward, hectic A&E department and even the GP clinic may have many hazards that could cause an injury to a healthcare worker. 

Injury seen in slips, trips, and falls claims by healthcare workers:

  • Broken wrist in a slip on spilled liquids on the hospital ward
  • Broken arm in trip over furniture in the A&E department
  • GP clinic nurse fractures hip in fall on a wet floor at work

If you suffer a slips, trips and falls injury at work in the healthcare system, you may have a workplace injury compensation claim.

Cuts and needlestick injury claims

Cuts and needlestick injury claims should not happen but do when staff and employers do not follow guidelines for using and disposing of sharps in the workplace. 

The sharp medical device may carry infection, and cuts can be very stressful for a healthcare worker. 

Injury seen in cuts and needlestick injury claims:

  • Used needle left uncapped sticks nurse when clearing the area
  • Scalpel cuts surgeon when not disposed of by surgical team
  • Infection for a doctor from a dirty needle not disposed of properly by colleagues

A healthcare worker injury claim can seek compensation for the effects of the cuts and needlestick injury.

Back injury claims for lifting, carrying, and handling

Back injury claims for lifting, carrying, and handling in the healthcare sector are for the effects of the injury today and in the future. Nurses, cleaning staff, and hospital porters are prone to back injuries, and steps should be taken to minimise the risk to staff. 

Back injuries seen in healthcare workers:

  • Nurse damages their lower back and nerves from shifting patients in bed
  • Hospital cleaner suffers spinal injuries moving beds and hospital furniture
  • Hospital porter suffers long-term disc damage due to repeated lifting work

A healthcare worker may have a workplace injury claim for a back injury suffered while at work.

Assault injury claims by healthcare staff

Assault injury claims are now almost a daily occurrence among healthcare workers. Minor and serious assaults by members of the public or colleagues can cause personal injury and long-term health concerns. 

Assault injury claims by healthcare staff:

  • Broken cheekbone from assault by drunken patient in the A&E
  • Assault with a blunt weapon breaks hospital porter’s arm
  • Administration staff verbally abused and threatened in the hospital

A healthcare worker suffering an assault injury at work could have a personal injury claim for compensation.

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Stress, anxiety and PTSD injury claims

Stress, anxiety and PTSD injury claims by healthcare workers come from working in a busy environment with few breaks over long shifts. The stress of dealing with ill members of the public and their families can cause mental health issues and PTSD symptoms.

Stress, anxiety and PTSD claims by healthcare staff:

  • Nursing staff suffer PTSD after assault by patient
  • Anxiety issues for administration staff in a hospital
  • Doctors suffer stress from working long hours

If you are a healthcare worker suffering from the effects of stress, anxiety, or PTSD, you may have a workplace injury claim. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your healthcare worker injury details and see if you have a valid compensation claim for a workplace injury.

Compensation for healthcare workplace injury claims

You can seek more than £10,000 in compensation for the back injury suffered when lifting patients in the hospital ward or the lacerations in an assault when working with a violent patient in an emergency. Some healthcare worker compensation claims can see awards in the £100,000s with amounts in excess of £10 million in some cases. 

The needlestick injury, the sprained wrist after a slip on a wet floor and the eye injured in an assault by a patient could affect your ability to work or find similar employment in the future, and you may need time off work to recover fully from your healthcare worker injury. 

You can claim compensation for the effects of the workplace injury today and in the future. The amount awarded depends on the severity of your healthcare worker injury and the impact on your life.

Amounts of compensation in a healthcare worker injury claim are:

  • Minor back injuries from working with patients on the ward from £7,890 to £12,510
  • Significant wrist injury after slip in healthcare setting from £12,590 to £26,590
  • Hearing issues and Tinnitus due to working in hospital from £14,900 to £29,710
  • Eye damage from healthcare workplace injury from £63,950 to £105,990
  • Psychiatric conditions from working in healthcare sector from £54,830 to £115,730
  • Severe brain damage in healthcare sector assault from £282,010 to £403,990
  • Paraplegia following a fall while working in the hospital from £219,070 to £284,260
Compensation calculator

(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You will also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.) 

There is not one fixed amount for a workplace injury claim, and the compensation awarded for your injury will be tailored to the circumstances of your claim.  

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can tell you what to expect from their experience in healthcare worker injury compensation claims.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

What are you being compensated for in a healthcare worker injury claim?

In a healthcare worker injury claim, just like any personal injury claim, you are being compensated for two types of damages:

In a healthcare worker injury claim, you claim General Damages for PSLA, the Pain, Suffering and Loss of Amenity you experience directly from the personal injury suffered in the workplace, such as a cut from a scalpel or eye injury in an assault by a patient.

You may suffer Pain as a direct result of nerve damage in the shoulder when moving patients or a broken leg in a fall on wet stairs in the clinic. The injury to your back, shoulder or knee can be painful, and you can claim for any medical treatment needed.

You will experience Suffering while you recover from the shoulder injury, facial lacerations, bulging disc or nerve damage today and in the years to come after an injury while working in the healthcare environment.

You can also claim for the Loss of Amenity in your daily life, such as difficulty or restriction in walking, sitting, playing sports, and sleeping from the injury suffered in an accident that was not wholly your fault in the workplace.

You seek compensation for Special Damages in a healthcare worker injury claim to cover your costs today and future financial losses after injury in the hospital, public health clinic, ambulance, GP clinic or any healthcare setting.

These could include loss of earnings while recovering, as well as care costs and medical treatment after an accident in the workplace and long-term treatment expenses. You can also claim for specialist rehabilitation, aids, adaptations, and any other out-of-pocket expenses you have or will suffer due to the healthcare sector injury.

Compensation is awarded to cover all losses, including income, medical expenses, and long-term care needs arising from the accident while working in the Emergency Department, dealing with a patient in their home, or the stress when working in administration.

You will need payslips and all day-to-day receipts, such as accommodation costs, the costs of travel to medical appointments, physical therapy, and all other out-of-pocket expenses incurred after the workplace injury.

A No Win No Fee solicitor handles your healthcare worker injury claim to get you the compensation you deserve for all the costs and expenses of the injury suffered due to negligence by the employer in the workplace.

The amount of compensation awarded for your workplace accident claim is the total of these two types of damages.

Who is eligible to claim for a healthcare worker injury?

You may be eligible to claim for a healthcare worker injury if you are injured in an accident that was not your fault or wholly your fault while at work in the GP clinic, hospital ward, physiotherapy clinic, outpatient department or any healthcare setting. 

A healthcare employee may be able to claim for a workplace accident, such as when taking blood, doing surgery, moving patients on the wards or shifting furniture in the A&E department. 

Anyone who suffers a healthcare worker injury, such as in an assault from a member of the public or an RSI when in administration or a sprain from a trip over rubbish, may be able to claim compensation. 

Dependents may be able to claim compensation if a loved one cannot represent themselves after a workplace accident that was not their fault or only partially their fault. 

A dependent is defined as:

  • A spouse or former spouse
  • Someone who lived with the injured party for two years before the accident as a husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • Blood children adopted children or those who became children through marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents and those acting as parents, such as a guardian or step-parents
  • Grandparents or great-grandparents
  • Brothers, sisters, cousins, and other direct relatives

You may be able to claim compensation if you depend on someone who cannot represent themselves after a workplace accident or who may have passed away due to a healthcare sector injury, and your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help with the case.

Assault in the workplace

An assault in the healthcare workplace claim is when a nurse, doctor, ambulance paramedic, hospital porter or a member of administration staff is assaulted in the course of their employment. 

Healthcare workers in hospitals, GP clinics and outpatient services can meet with patients in small rooms and often may do so when alone. The patient could be violent or become suddenly violent and assault the doctor, nurse, social worker, or any other healthcare employee. Assaults by colleagues happen, too and are not unusual in a busy, stressful work environment. 

If you work in healthcare and suffer an assault in the workplace, such as a punch from a drunk patient in A&E or a distressed patient in the clinic, you could have an assault in the workplace compensation claim. 

An assault in the workplace claim can be:

  • A physical assault such as a punch, kick, or slap
  • When verbally threatened
  • When verbally abused
  • Hit by a weapon or item used as a weapon
  • Any form of sexual abuse
Assault in the workplace claim

The assault in the workplace claims by healthcare workers are made by employees of all ages and sexes, from those in senior management to those in security or even cleaners on the wards. 

Employers have a duty of care to employees and must provide a safe and secure workplace for everyone, especially those dealing with the public. If they breach that duty of care by not providing adequate staffing and security levels, an employee may have a healthcare worker assault claim. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can advise on your assault case and see if you have a valid assault in the workplace compensation claim.

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Find out how much you can claim today for a healthcare worker injury

Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim for your healthcare worker injury. The torn muscles in your shoulder, the damaged nerves in your back and the PTSD may last many years, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved. 

The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your healthcare worker injury claim. 

Compensation amounts for a healthcare worker injury claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for this common workplace injury claim.  

Only by contacting one of our team will you get a workplace injury claim up and running today. 

Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert healthcare worker injury advice tailored to you.