A bullying at work claim seeks compensation when you suffer from bullying in the workplace. Bullying at work can take many forms, but the personal injury suffered could affect an individual for life.

The compensation claim for bullying at work can be for bullying by the employer, fellow employees and even a junior employee who takes advantage of poor management in the workplace. 

A workplace injury claim could be possible for a personal injury due to bullying at work. An employer and fellow employees have a duty of care to you. You may have a compensation claim if you suffer personal injury due to a breach of that duty of care. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury claim can get you compensation for the effects of the bullying at work personal injury on your life today and in the future.

Bullying at Work Claim

What is a bullying at work claim?

A bullying at work claim is when you make a compensation claim for the personal injury of bullying in the workplace. If you suffered a personal injury due to the effects of bullying, you may have a workplace injury claim. 

You could suffer a physical injury due to the effects of the bullying at work, or the effects could be psychological, which may affect you for life. Victims of workplace bullying may state a fear of the workplace or of taking on work associated with their bullying in their compensation claims. 

A workplace injury could cost you in terms of time off work, the costs of medical treatment and paying for counselling and further therapy. You may be able to claim compensation for these effects in a bullying at work claim. 

A No Win No personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid bullying at work compensation claim.  

Personal Injury Case Assessment

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Common bullying at work claims

Common bullying at work claims are for the effects of the bullying on your life and for any workplace injury you suffer due to being bullied by a manager or fellow employee. 

Bullying in the workplace can take many forms and can happen to you anywhere, including online abuse and intimidation. Physical abuse and the threat of violence in the workplace is a type of bullying at work, and you may have a compensation claim for personal injury.

 Common bullying at work claims:

  • Threat of violence bullying at work claims
  • Being overlooked for promotion bullying at work claims
  • Online intimidation bullying at work claims
  • Being undermined in the workplace, bullying at work claims
  • Verbal abuse bullying at work claims

Threat of violence bullying at work claims

Threat of violence bullying at work claims are for the real effects of physical intimidation and even assault by an employer or fellow employee. 

Types of violence in bullying at work claims:

  • Physical assault in the workplace
  • Fear of a physical assault in the workplace
  • Sexual assault or fear of it in the workplace

You should not have to suffer violence or the fear of it in the workplace, but it can happen, and you may have a bullying at work claim for compensation.

Being overlooked for promotion bullying at work claims

Being overlooked for a promotion that you could deserve is a common type of workplace bullying and can lead to trauma and depression in employees. If you work hard and do your job, you should be considered for a promotion when available. 

Types of being overlooked for promotion claims:

  • Younger employees being promoted ahead of you
  • Not being invited to apply for promotion when qualified
  • Going for promotion but losing out to a lesser qualified person

Bullying in the workplace can be subtle, and being overlooked for promotion is often used to bully employees.

Online intimidation bullying at work claims

Online intimidation bullying at work claims are a new form of workplace bullying but can have severe effects on those affected by it. You could suffer online bullying when working at the office, when working from home or on the road for work. 

Types of online intimidation bullying at work:

  • Spread of gossip and malicious rumours about employees
  • Using social media to bully an employee
  • Threats of physical violence in emails and direct messaging apps

You could have a workplace injury claim for the effects of online intimidation bullying.

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Being undermined in the workplace bullying at work claims

Being undermined bullying at work can be used to force you out of your job or to intimidate you out of applying for promotion or a job to which you are qualified. Undermining a colleague or manager can affect how they do their work and how they are seen by fellow employees. 

Types of being undermined bullying at work:

  • Name-calling and continuous minor verbal insults
  • Encouraging others not to work or cooperate with a colleague
  • Being given demeaning tasks to perform at work

If you suffer bullying in the workplace, you may have a workplace injury compensation claim.

Verbal abuse bullying at work claims

Verbal abuse bullying at work is one of the oldest forms of workplace bullying but is very effective and often drives the victim out of their job. Verbal abuse can have a lasting effect and can form part of an overall pattern of workplace bullying. 

Types of verbal abuse at work:

  • Being shouted at by other employees or managers
  • Being called names designed to undermine you in the workplace
  • Use of language you find offensive, designed to intimidate you at work

Any employee who suffers bullying in the workplace could have a workplace injury claim for compensation.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can take your workplace bullying claim and seek the compensation you deserve for its effects today and in the future.

Compensation for a bullying at work claim

You can seek more than £10,000 in compensation in a bullying at work claim. Some bullying in workplace injury claims see compensation in the range of £50,000 to £100,000 depending on the severity of the injury and the effects of the bullying at work. 

A bullying at work claim may be for the workplace injury of a physical or sexual assault and the psychological and mental health issues from workplace bullying. You can claim for becoming ill and the effects of the stress and emotional upset caused by the bullying at work.

You could need time off work and could even need to change jobs due to workplace bullying. You may be able to claim for the depression due to bullying at work and any similar psychological effects of the workplace injury. 

You can claim compensation for the effects of the bullying at work today and in the future. The amount awarded depends on the severity of the effects of the bullying and the impact it has on your life. 

Amounts of compensation in a workplace bullying claim are:

  • Minor psychiatric injury with recovery up to £5,860
  • Moderate psychiatric damage from workplace bullying from £5,860 to £19,070
  • Work-related and moderately severe psychiatric issues from £19,070 to £54,030
  • Moderately severe PTSD after bullying at work from £23,150 to £59,860
  • Severe PTSD with inability to return to the workplace from £59,860 to £110,670
  • Severe psychological and psychiatric after workplace bullying from £54,830 to £115,730

(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You will also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.)

Personal injury claim calculator

There is not one fixed amount for a workplace bullying injury claim, and the compensation awarded for the mental health issues, psychological effects and physical injury will be tailored to the circumstances of your claim.   

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can tell you what to expect from their experience in bullying at work compensation claims.

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

What are you being compensated for in a bullying at work claim?

In a bullying at work claim, just like any personal injury claim, you are being compensated for two types of damages:

In a bullying at work claim, you claim General Damages for PSLA, the Pain, Suffering and Loss of Amenity you experience directly from the personal injury suffered due to the workplace bullying.

You may suffer Pain as a direct result of physical assault and the mental anguish when being a constant victim of bullying in the workplace. The psychological injury, the assault and the anguish can be painful, and you can claim for any medical treatment needed.

You could experience Suffering while you recover from the embarrassment and effects of the bullying at work today and in the years to come.

You can also claim for the Loss of Amenity in your daily life, such as difficulty or restriction in walking, sitting, playing sports, and sleeping from the bullying at work and the failure of your employer to safeguard you in the workplace.

You seek compensation for Special Damages in a bullying at work claim to cover your costs today and future financial losses after bullying in the office, warehouse, restaurant, school staffroom, and anywhere you could suffer the effects of a workplace bully.

These could include loss of earnings while recovering, as well as care costs and medical treatment after the workplace bullying and any long-term treatment expenses. You can also claim for specialist rehabilitation, aids, adaptations, and any other out-of-pocket expenses you have or will suffer due to the workplace bullying.

Compensation is awarded to cover all losses, including income, medical expenses, and long-term care needs arising from the bullying while at work, working at home or when on the road for the company.

You will need payslips and all day-to-day receipts, such as accommodation costs, the costs of travel to medical appointments, physical and mental therapy, and all other out-of-pocket expenses incurred after the bullying at work.

A No Win No Fee solicitor handles your bullying at work claim to get you the compensation you deserve for all the costs and expenses of the injury suffered due to the workplace injury from bullying.

The amount of compensation awarded for your bullying at work personal injury claim is the total of these two types of damages.

Who is eligible to claim for workplace bullying injury?

You may be eligible to claim for a workplace bullying injury if it happens due to a breach of duty of care by your employer. Your employer should safeguard you from bullying in the workplace and have settings in place to prevent it. 

An employee may be able to claim for a workplace bullying injury, such as a broken leg bone in an assault or the psychological effects on your physical and mental well-being. 

Anyone who suffers a workplace bullying injury, such as in a verbal or physical assault or online abuse by fellow employees, could be eligible to claim compensation. 

Dependents may be able to claim compensation if a loved one cannot represent themselves after a workplace bullying incident, as can happen with depression and other psychological effects of bullying. 

A dependent is defined as:

  • A spouse or former spouse
  • Someone who lived with the injured party for two years before the accident as a husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • Blood children adopted children or those who became children through marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents and those acting as parents, such as a guardian or step-parents
  • Grandparents or great-grandparents
  • Brothers, sisters, cousins, and other direct relatives

You may be able to claim compensation if you depend on someone who cannot represent themselves after bullying at work or who may have passed away due to the effects of it. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help with your compensation claim.

What to do if you are being bullied at work

If you are being bullied at work, you should have recourse to report the bullying and look for help from your employer to stop it immediately. In many cases, the bullying may take time to come to the surface, and if you are a victim, you may be scared to report it.  

If you feel you are being bullied at work, you should:

  • Document evidence of the workplace bullying
  • Keep details of any witnesses
  • Contact the HR department and report what is happening
  • Report any bullying to your immediate supervisor
  • Report the bullying to your employer if it continues
  • If you feel action is not being taken, seek legal advice

Bullying at work can have devastating effects on the employee and can even affect other employees in an office or any workplace. 

Under worker’s rights legislation, your employer must have clear guidelines in place to address bullying in the workplace. The employer must also have steps in place for those being bullied to report the workplace bullying when it happens.

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your claim for workplace bullying compensation when your employer breaches their duty of care to you.

How to make a bullying at work claim for compensation

To make a claim for bullying at work compensation, there are usually a few standard steps to follow. We will guide you through the entire process from first contact through to the conclusion of your claim.

Instruct a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. A solicitor can look at your case, see the extent of your bullying at work, and see if you have a valid claim for workplace bullying compensation.

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will have the experience and the team to handle your claim – they will know what your claim may be worth and how to get the best results for you.

You may require medical treatment or investigation if you are suffering the effects of bullying at work. Psychological injury and other mental health issues go hand in hand with workplace bullying, and it is vital that the nature and extent of your injuries are contemporaneously recorded in your medical records.

This may be in a consultation with your GP who may make an assessment but will probably refer you for further treatment and psychological evaluation. You may need investigations and long-term treatment to discover the full effects of workplace bullying.

Of course, in a severe or life-threatening case, you may have attended A&E, and the hospital medical records will detail your physical and psychological injuries and treatment.

The solicitor gets all the details and evidence to support your case in the next step of the bullying at work claims process.

Your Personal Injury Team solicitor will speak to you and obtain a detailed description of what happened when you were the victim of bullying at work. The solicitor will need to know of the types of bullying you experienced and the financial losses you sustained due to its effects.

An experienced personal injury expert will assess the case.

If they confirm you have a valid bullying at work compensation claim, they can discuss the next steps in the process with you and answer any of your questions.

The solicitor submits the claim for workplace bullying compensation to the negligent party who may be responsible for the breach of duty of care in the workplace. Your solicitor submits the claim by writing to the employer to outline your possible claim.

The negligent party has to give a written response to your solicitor’s letter within twelve weeks of receiving it.

Your Personal Injury Team lawyer will advise you of the time limit applying to your case and what to expect during the process.

Getting the response from the employer informs your personal injury solicitor how the case for bullying in the workplace compensation is likely to proceed.

The negligent party can either admit liability in the case or state that they intend to defend it.

When the negligent party decides to defend the case, it is known as ‘denying liability’ in legal terms.

If the negligent party admits liability, which often happens, your personal injury solicitor will obtain further medical and psychological evidence. You may need to have a consultation with a medical expert, which your solicitor will arrange.

Once completed, medical evidence and details of your financial losses will be sent to the negligent party’s insurer.

The negotiation period then starts, often resulting in the settlement of your claim. You would be closely involved in this process and given expert advice throughout – no compensation would be agreed upon without your authority.

In very large claims, you will likely have to see several medical experts over a longer period. When the physical and psychological injuries suffered are significant, it can take a long time until the final prognosis is known.

Your solicitor will advise you on the likely timescales and when, tactically, will be the best time to enter settlement discussions with the defendant.

Often, claims for life-changing bullying injuries will be negotiated at a “settlement meeting” with the defendants. The two sides may meet, and during the meeting, your case will be outlined, and negotiations will take place.

You would be at this meeting and be closely involved in this process, and no settlement would be agreed upon without your authority.

At this stage, your solicitor, and sometimes a barrister, will handle the meeting and advise you on what is on offer and what level of compensation to accept.

Going to a tribunal court is the final step in a workplace bullying compensation case if the negligent party, your employer, does not accept responsibility for the negligence or if the negligent party admits liability but refuses to pay you a fair amount in compensation.

Issuing of any court proceedings is handled by your solicitor.

The judge at the tribunal court will outline how they wish to see the bullying case proceed. The employer’s solicitor and your personal injury solicitor will present evidence to defend their cases and show the court all relevant documents.

The judge will then set a date and often, the two sides will meet before the tribunal date to try and come to an agreement on your workplace bullying claim.

Your Personal Injury Team solicitor will advise you through the entire process from start to finish.

steps in making a personal injury claim

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Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible. It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of claim experts.

How Much Is Your Claim Worth?

Take a few minutes to fill in our claim assessment form and find out how much compensation you will be entitled to.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 lays out the responsibilities of employers and employees when creating a safe workplace for all. Bullying in the workplace may be avoidable or stopped if the employer follows the Health and Safety Act. 

The Act covers every aspect of health and safety in the workplace for the UK and has proved invaluable in the 50 years since its inception. 

Standardisation of health and safety guidance makes it clear what is expected in the workplace from employers and employees. Under the 1974 Act, employers know where their duty of care to employees and members of the public lies. 

In the same vein, employees are made aware of their duty of care to their fellow employees when at work. The Act also covers the self-employed and the expectations around them as employers and when in the workplace. 

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is also known as the HSWA, the HASAWA, the HSW Act and sometimes simply the 1974 Act. 

The Act is clear in what the expectations are for everyone in the workplace and how breaches of it may be prosecuted in the courts and be subject to fines or compensation claims when injury results. 

You may be able to make a claim for a workplace injury, such as bullying at work, if your employer breaches the HSW Act, leading to your injury.

What can happen as a result of bullying?

As a result of bullying, you could suffer long-term effects such as psychological injury or even the physical injury of an assault or loss of personal property. Bullying is often an issue suffered in silence, but the effects can be devastating to the suffered. 

Bullying can result in:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Suicide
  • Inability to perform your duties
  • Losing a job
  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Changing jobs or moving within a company
  • Physical illness
  • Changes to personality
  • Violence

If you suffer workplace bullying you could have a bullying at work claim for compensation. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your workplace bullying claim and get you the compensation you deserve for its effects today and in the future.

Find out how much you can claim for a workplace injury

Use our online assessment tool to find out how much you can claim for a workplace injury. Depression, mental anguish and even the physical effects of an assault can lead from bullying at work, and you may have a compensation claim. 

The workplace bullying injury may be with you for life, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved and get help dealing with the effects today and in the future. 

The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your workplace injury compensation claim. 

We can get your workplace injury claim up and running today. 

Compensation amounts for a workplace injury claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for the effects of the bullying today and in the future. 

Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert bullying at work compensation claim advice tailored to you.

make a personal injury claim today

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