A workplace injury claim seeks compensation when you are injured at work and it is not your fault. Many people suffer a personal injury at work every day and the effects can be devastating.
An employer has a duty of care to assure the safety of their employees and provide a safe working environment.
If you have been involved in a personal injury accident in the workplace, speak to a no win no fee solicitor today to find out how much you could claim.

Common workplace accident claims
Workplace accident claim compensation
You can claim compensation for a workplace injury any amount from the low £1,000s to over £350,000 in the more serious personal injury claims.
This is just for the injury. Loss of earnings, care costs and other expenses would be in addition to this with some of the more serious personal injury claims running into several million pounds.
There is not one fixed amount in workplace injury claims. The circumstances differ from person to person, and the amount of compensation awarded differs too.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can give you an idea on what to expect from their experience in compensation claims. They will also tell you that no two claims are the same and each case must stand on its own merits.
A deciding factor in every workplace accident claim is what you can claim for compensation.

What can I claim for compensation?
You claim compensation in a workplace injury claim for the damages arising from the accident.
In every personal injury claim, including workplace injury, there are two types of damages: General Damages and Specific Damages. The amount of compensation awarded is a total of the two types of damages.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The health and safety at work act 1974 ensures the safety of all workers in the UK. It is the duty of the employer to assure that workers have a safe working environment, adequate training, and to minimise risk.
If you are concerned that you may lose your job for making a workplace injury claim, under the health and safety at work act 1974, you can not lose your job for bringing a claim forward against your employer.

What are the steps in making a claim for personal injury?
The steps in making a claim for personal injury compensation are easy to follow and lead to a successful claim.
Workplace accident claim FAQs
Contact us today
If you have been involved in an accident at work, speak to The Personal Injury Team today to find out how much personal injury compensation you are entitled to.
Our team of No Win No Fee Solicitors, are here to make your claims process as simple and stress free as possible while securing you the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.
Do not wait until it’s too late. Start your claim today by taking our personal injury assessment.