If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and it was not your fault, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Road Traffic Accidents when knocked off your motorbike can be severe and could impact your life.
You are entitled to personal injury claim compensation whether driving a motorbike, as a passenger in the family car, driving your own car and even taking a taxi. Injuries claimed for can include breaks, cuts, bruising, scarring, anxiety or psychological trauma and, tragically, death.
Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you have been injured, and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors will file your compensation claim and get you the money you deserve. Our expert team includes motorcyclists who specialise in motorcycle accident claims.

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What is a motorcycle accident claim?
A motorcycle accident claim is for the compensation due to you for a personal injury when in a motorbike collision. If you are knocked off your motorcycle, and it is not your fault, you may be entitled to a motorcycle accident claim for compensation.
Motorcycle accident claims get compensation to pay your medical costs, cover your time off work and loss of earnings and damages to your vehicle. The compensation is also to cover costs of damage to clothing, your boots, leathers and gloves, and the helmet. If you need long-term care, then you will need the motorcycle accident compensation to pay for it.
A motorcycle accident can happen when you least expect it, but they happen every day. Injuries can be minor, serious, or fatal in some cases.
You can claim compensation in all types of common motorcycle accident claims.
Common motorcycle accident claims
Common motorcycle accident claims are for injuries like a broken leg, arm or pelvis and head injuries when knocked off your motorbike by a speeding motorist. Motorcycle accident injuries can put you out of action and out of work.
Any injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident can be serious, and you may need to spend time in hospital. Motorcycle accident claims for compensation are for when injured, and it was not your fault.
Common motorcycle accident claims are when:

Hit by a car door claim
Hit by a car door motorcycle accidents happen when a driver or passenger does not look when getting out of the car. The motorbike driver is hit by the car door and knocked off the motorcycle.
You can claim compensation for any injury and the shock of being knocked off your motorcycle when hit by a car door.
Car pulled out of a side road claim
Car pulled out of a side road claim is when a car does not stop coming through a junction and hits your motorbike. A side-on accident such as this can do you serious injury as you will get the full force of the car.
The compensation claim will recover your costs and all future care and medical needs.
Overtaking accident claim
Overtaking accident claim is for when a car hits you head-on when overtaking another car. It can also happen when the driver does not look behind when pulling out to overtake and hits you as you pass by.
Overtaking accident claims happen often as drivers do not look for motorbikes.
Filtering claim
A filtering claim covers accidents that happen when you are moving through heavy traffic. Filtering, when you make your way through a line of traffic to get away or turn off at a junction, is legal in the United Kingdom.
Drivers should always look before turning when in a traffic jam for motorbikes filtering along the line.
You may have a compensation claim if a car hits you when filtering.
Lost control on oil claim
Lost control on oil claim is for coming off your bike when slipping on an oil spillage. Any oil on the road surface can be dangerous for a motorcyclist and very difficult to see.
It is the responsibility of the oil tanker driver, local council or the emergency services to mark off and remove an oil spillage.

A car knocks you off the motorbike claim
A car knocks you off the motorbike when not stopping in time at a junction, or fails to see you at all happens regularly – but you are injured and can file a motorcycle accident claim.
The car, van and bus driver must always look for a motorcycle when on the road. Many motorbike accidents happen when a driver does not look when overtaking or parking their car.
You will have a compensation claim when another road vehicle knocks you off the motorbike.
Hit by a drunk driver claim
Hit by a drunk driver is a motorcycle accident that can happen anywhere and at any time. The drunk driver cannot judge where you are on the road and may clip your back wheel or stop suddenly in front of you.
A motorcycle accident caused by a drunk driver can do you serious injury. It causes a personal injury that is not your fault, and you can claim compensation from the car’s owner.
A pedestrian knocks you off the motorcycle claim
A pedestrian knocks you off the motorcycle when crossing the road is another motorcycle accident claim. They walk out from behind a parked car, the bus at a bus stop, and knock you off the motorbike, causing injury.
Being knocked off your motorcycle causes injury at any speed, and the slightest nudge from a pedestrian can do a lot of damage.
You will have a compensation claim when you are knocked off your motorcycle, and it is not your fault.
The motorbike hits a pothole claim
The motorbike hits a pothole or bump in the road, throwing you to the ground. If you hit a pothole at any speed, you may come off the motorcycle, hitting the road surface and damaging you and the bike.
You may be knocked from your motorcycle by any spot of uneven road surface. A crack in the road or a bumpy street can throw you off the bike.
The motorcycle accident is not your fault, and you can claim compensation.
A driver fails to look when pulling out claim
A driver fails to look when pulling out at a junction and hits your motorcycle, throwing you off your seat. It happens when they do not use the wing mirror and turn to the right or left without looking, hitting your motorcycle.
The impact of being hit by a turning car can be catastrophic in a motorcycle accident. You may be thrown onto the car before hitting the ground and suffer two impact injuries.
Sometimes the motorcycle is knocked in front of another car, and the driver sustains very serious injuries.
If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, and it is not your fault, you can claim compensation, but you will need to prove your motorcycle accident claim.
Our Process
We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.
Claim Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.
Legal Letter
Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.
Who can be responsible for motorcycle accident claims?
The driver of a car hitting you is responsible for most motorcycle accident claims. If a pedestrian hits you, they are responsible for the motorbike accident claim.
The local council is responsible for motorbike accident claims when you fall off your motorbike due to a poorly maintained road surface.
Serious injury and disability result from motorcycle accidents, but you can claim compensation for any injuries from the negligent party.
In all motorbike accident claims, the insurance company will investigate and give an opinion on who is responsible for the road traffic accident injuries.
Deciding who is responsible for a motorbike accident claim may be difficult, but your No Win No Fee motorcycle accident solicitor will identify the negligent party. The Personal Injury Team will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries, all expenses incurred and any future losses.
Your legal team will advise you on the claims process when involved in a motorcycle accident and how much compensation you can claim.
Compensation in motorcycle accident claims
Compensation in motorcycle accident claims ranges from the low £1,000s to more than £200,000 in some cases.
The No Win No Fee motorcycle accident claims solicitor looks for the compensation you deserve and need for the changes to your life.
Common amounts of compensation in motorcycle accident claims are:

Who pays for the compensation in motorcycle accident claims?
The insurance company pays for the compensation in motorcycle accident claims. When the driver is shown to be responsible, their insurance company takes on the claim and pays the compensation.
If the driver of the motorcycle you are a passenger on is responsible for the motorbike accident, then their insurance company will pay the motorcycle accident compensation.
You must have car insurance under UK law, and the driver takes it out to cover them in case of a motorbike accident and to pay the compensation costs.
What happens if I am hit by an uninsured driver?
You claim compensation from the Motor Insurers Bureau if an uninsured driver hits you in a motorbike accident. Every car insurance company in the UK contributes to the MIB to finance claims against uninsured drivers.
The Motor Insurers Bureau will also handle motorcycle accident compensation claims if you are injured in a hit-and-run accident.
Your No Win No Fee motorcycle accident solicitors will have the experience of dealing with the MIB and getting you the compensation due in your case.
Find out how much you can claim for today
Have you been the victim of a motorcycle accident claim?
If you have been the victim of a motorcycle accident claim that was not your fault, you may be entitled to make a road traffic accident claim for personal injury compensation.
To find out how much you can claim, speak with the Personal Injury Team for a full claim assessment for free.
Make a no win no fee claim today with the UKs favorite personal injury solicitors.
Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate expert advice tailored to you.