A bus accident claim seeks compensation when you are injured in a road traffic accident involving a bus, coach, or school minibus. You may claim compensation for the effects of the bus accident on your life today and in the future.

You could suffer an injury when the bus is in a crash with another road user, when you fall if the bus stops suddenly, or you may be hit by a bus when on your bike. A road traffic accident claim for the bus accident could claim compensation for your injuries.

A public transport bus accident claim is when the bus is operated by the local authority or a public bus company or is on a contract with the public bus company.

You may be able to claim compensation for the effects of the personal injury today and in the future. If your bus accident injury was caused by a lack of duty of care by another person, such as the bus driver or bus operator, in an accident that was not wholly your fault, you may have a bus accident compensation claim.

A No Win No Fee personal injury claim can seek compensation when you suffer an injury in a bus accident that was not wholly your fault.

Bus accident claim

What is a bus accident claim?

A bus accident claim is when you claim compensation for the injury suffered in a bus accident. You claim for the back injury in a slip down the bus stairs or the facial injury that you suffer if the bus stops suddenly or a broken leg when a bus knocks you down when crossing the road. 

There are more than 5,000 bus accidents annually in the UK. Bus accidents involve more than 6,000 casualties, of which over 2,000 are serious injuries involving the occupants of a bus or coach. There are an average of 45 road fatalities involving a bus or coach. While bus and coach travel remains a safe way to travel compared to other road users, accidents still happen, and some are fatal road traffic accidents. LINK LINK

The bus driver, bus owner and bus operator owe the passengers and other road users, including pedestrians, a duty of care when the bus is in operation. If they breach that duty of care, causing you an injury, you may have a bus accident claim. 

You could make a No Win No Fee personal injury claim if you suffer an injury as a passenger or other road user involved in a bus accident.

Personal Injury Case Assessment

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Common bus accident claims

Common bus accident claims range from the broken hip when hit by the bus pulling in too quickly at a bus stop to the facial lacerations when in a bus road traffic accident to the back strain when the bus pulls off before you can sit down. 

Many people suffer injuries when on a bus, when getting off the bus or when hit by one on the road. The effects of the injury may be with you for life, and you can seek compensation in a bus accident claim. 

Some common bus accident claims:

Common bus accident claims

Bus accident injury in a road traffic accident

A bus accident injury in a road traffic accident can cause severe injuries such as broken limbs, back injuries, and paraplegia in some cases. A bus could be in a road traffic accident, and you could be injured as a bus passenger or as another road user. 

Bus accidents in road traffic accidents can happen when:

  • The bus is in collision with a car or another bus
  • The bus hits a motorbike rider when pulling out from a bus stop
  • The bus collides with a lamppost or tree due to poor driving

You may have a bus accident injury claim if you are in a road traffic accident involving a bus.

Bus accident injury when a passenger on a bus

A bus accident injury due to a poorly maintained vehicle can happen to a passenger on the bus, a pedestrian on the street or to the staff of the bus company. Accidents due to a poorly maintained bus can cause broken limbs, cuts and bruises and severe nerve damage. 

Bus accidents due to a poorly maintained vehicle can be:

  • The bus is in a road traffic accident due to faulty brakes
  • A passenger is injured due to a broken seat or handrail on the stairs
  • A staff member slips on the wet floor on a rainy day

You can make a bus accident injury claim if you suffer an injury due to a poorly maintained bus.

Bus accident injury due to a poorly maintained vehicle

A bus accident injury due to a poorly maintained vehicle can happen to a passenger on the bus, a pedestrian on the street or to the staff of the bus company. Accidents due to a poorly maintained bus can cause broken limbs, cuts and bruises and severe nerve damage. 

Bus accidents due to a poorly maintained vehicle can be:

  • The bus is in a road traffic accident due to faulty brakes
  • A passenger is injured due to a broken seat or handrail on the stairs
  • A staff member slips on the wet floor on a rainy day

You can make a bus accident injury claim if you suffer an injury due to a poorly maintained bus.

Bus accident injury when a pedestrian

A bus accident injury when a pedestrian can result in a severe injury that could require hospitalisation and medical treatment over a lengthy period of time. Pedestrians can suffer broken limbs, crushed feet and hip damage when hit by a bus. 

A bus accident involving a pedestrian can be:

  • Pedestrian hit by the bus when it pulls in at a stop
  • Pedestrian hit by a bus when crossing the road
  • Pedestrian hit by a bus that mounts the pavement

A pedestrian hit by a bus could make a No Win No Fee compensation claim.

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Bus accident injury due to the bus driver

The bus accident injury due to the driver is the cause of many compensation claims by passengers and other road users. The bus driver owes other road users and passengers a duty of care and should always put safety first.

The bus driver could cause a bus accident injury by:

  • Stopping suddenly when passengers are getting in or out of their seats
  • Allowing too many passengers on the bus, breaching health and safety rules
  • Pulling in too quickly to the bus stop

You could have a compensation claim if you suffer an injury in a bus accident due to the bus driver. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your bus accident injury case and see if you have a valid bus accident compensation claim.

Compensation for a bus accident claim

Compensation for a bus accident claim can range from more than £10,000 to over £100,000, and some bus accident injury claims see compensation amounts in excess of £10 million. 

A bus accident claim may be for the neck injury when the bus stops suddenly or for the torn ankle ligaments when you slip down the wet stairs from the upper deck. You can claim for a broken arm when hit by a bus when waiting at the bus stop or facial lacerations when in a road traffic accident involving a bus. 

The bus accident injury could affect your ability to work or find similar work in the future, and you may need time off work to recover fully from the road traffic accident. 

You can claim compensation for the effects of the bus accident injury today and in the future. The amount awarded depends on the severity of your injury and the impact it has on your life. 

Amounts of compensation in a bus accident claim are:

  • Crush injury to the hands when caught in the bus door from £5,720 to £13,280
  • Damage to the elbow after a fall on the bus from £15,650 to £32,010
  • Shoulder injury due to a bus stopping suddenly from £19,200 to £48,030
  • Significant wrist injury after a slip on the wet bus floor from £47,620 to £59,860
  • Fracture of the arms when hit by a bus crossing the road from £39,170 to £59,860
  • Pelvis or hip injury after an RTA involving a school bus from £78,400 to £130,930
  • Neck injury with fractures and incomplete paraplegia from £45,470 to £148,330
  • Severe back injury with chronic pain from bus accident from £91,090 to £160,980
Compensation calculator

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Who is eligible to claim for a bus accident injury?

You may be eligible to claim for a bus accident injury if it happens in an accident that was not your fault or wholly your fault while travelling on the bus, in a road traffic accident involving a bus or a pedestrian hit by a bus. 

An employee of the bus company may be able to claim for a workplace injury, such as a fall due to a poorly maintained bus or if in a road traffic accident with another road user. 

Anyone who suffers a bus accident injury, such as a broken leg when hit by a bus or injuries suffered in a road traffic accident involving a bus, like cuts and soft tissue injuries, could be eligible to claim compensation. 

Dependents may be able to claim compensation if a loved one cannot represent themselves after an accident that was not their fault or only partially their fault. 

A dependent is defined as:

  • A spouse or former spouse
  • Someone who lived with the injured party for two years before the accident as a husband, wife, or civil partner.
  • Blood children adopted children or those who became children through marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents and those acting as parents, such as a guardian or step-parents
  • Grandparents or great-grandparents
  • Brothers, sisters, cousins, and other direct relatives

You may be able to claim compensation if you depend on someone who cannot represent themselves after a bus accident or who may have passed away due to the effects of the bus accident. 

Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help with your compensation claim.

Who is liable for a bus accident claim?

The bus operator is liable for the bus accident claim when it is a public bus service. It may be the local transport authority or a national bus service provider, but the bus operator has a duty of care to passengers and other road users. 

If you are a passenger on a private bus, the bus owner is liable for the bus accident claim. The private bus owner has to follow the same legislation for providing a safe and reliable service as the public bus service. They are responsible for staff, passengers and other road users and must not breach their duty of care to them. 

Every bus service provider, private or public, has a duty of care to passengers, staff and other road users. If they breach that duty of care and you suffer an injury due to that breach of duty of care, you may have a bus accident personal injury claim. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can handle your bus accident claim for compensation.

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Road Traffic Accident Claims UK

Road traffic accident claims in the UK seek compensation for the effects of an injury from any form of road traffic accident. You may be injured in a car crash, as a pedestrian, as a motorbike rider, a cyclist or even as an E-scooter or E-bike user, but if the accident was not wholly your fault, you could have a road traffic accident claim. 

Bus accidents are also road traffic accidents. You may slip on the wet floor of a bus on a rainy day or bang your head when the bus takes off before you get to your seat, but it may still be a road traffic accident. If you are injured in a bus accident that was not your fault or not wholly your fault, you may have a road traffic accident claim. 

It may be a road traffic accident claim if your car is in a collision with a bus or you are knocked down by a bus pulling too quickly at the bus stop. There are many types of road traffic accident claims, and your bus accident injury could be one, too. 

A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at the details of your injury and see if you have a valid bus accident injury compensation claim.

road traffic accident compensation

Find out how much you can claim today for a bus accident injury

Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim for your bus accident injury. The effects of a snapped ankle, damaged back, and severe wrist injury in a bus accident may be with you for life, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved. 

The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your bus accident claim. 

Compensation amounts for a bus accident claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for the torn ligaments in the fall on a bus or the broken leg when knocked off your motorbike by a bus in a road traffic accident. 

Only by contacting one of our team will you get a bus accident claim up and running today. 

Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert bus accident advice tailored to you.