Compensation for PTSD is for the effects of PTSD on your life today and in the future. PTSD can limit your life and your ability to work and have normal, happy relationships, but personal injury compensation can help relieve the symptoms.
You may suffer PTSD after a road traffic accident, a workplace injury, an assault or even after a slip, trip and fall accident in a public place. PTSD can strike at any time, and many people may not even know they are suffering from it until diagnosed by a doctor.
If you have PTSD after a personal injury accident, you may have a compensation claim. Your employer, fellow road user or landowner owes you a duty of care, and if they breach that duty of care, leading to injury, you may have a PTSD compensation claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can handle your personal injury claim for PTSD compensation.

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What is PTSD?
PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is when you suffer stress after a traumatic event such as an accident or assault in your life. The PTSD may last for months, years and even for life, and it can have a crippling effect on your life and that of your loved ones.
You may develop PTSD after a shocking and traumatic event in your life, such as an accident or an assault. PTSD can manifest as terrifying flashbacks, numbing fear and unexplained reactions to everyday events, but if you have PTSD, the symptoms can restrict your everyday life.
The symptoms of PTSD can be:
If you recognise one or more of these symptoms and have had a traumatic event in your life, you could have PTSD. You are not alone in that up to 70% of people will experience trauma at some stage of their lives, and around 20% of them develop PTSD. In real terms, that is around 10% of the UK population or over six million people in the UK, will develop PTSD, and over two million people are living with it.
If you or a loved one is suffering from PTSD, you can take action to address the condition and seek help tackling the symptoms and causes of PTSD.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help with your case and seek compensation for the PTSD and its effects on your life today and in the future.

Common PTSD claims
Common PTSD claims are seen throughout the UK every day and from people in all walks of life. Military veterans, doctors and nurses in NHS hospitals, children and adults after a road traffic accident can all suffer PTSD.
Victims of assault can be significantly affected by PTSD, and many compensation claims are for PTSD after a violent attack, including sexual assault.
PTSD can affect your life and restrict how you work, exercise and deal with relationships. A PTSD compensation claim can get you the help you deserve and help with relieving your suffering.
Common PTSD compensation claims:

PTSD claims for workplace injury
PTSD claims for workplace injury are for the effects of a workplace accident that was not wholly your fault and could result in you suffering PTSD.
You may witness a traumatic event, be injured in an accident or suffer an assault in the workplace, and you could have a claim for PTSD.
PTSD claims from the workplace may be:
You may have a PTSD compensation claim after a workplace injury or accident that was not wholly your fault.
PTSD claims after road traffic accidents
PTSD claims after road traffic accidents are for the flashbacks, fear of travelling by car or public transport and stress when in public and seek compensation for the effect of the condition.
PTSD after a road traffic accident may affect passengers, drivers, cyclists, motorbike riders and pedestrians in a road traffic accident.
Claims for PTSD after a road traffic accident can be:
A PTSD claim may get you compensation for the effects of the RTA on your life today and in the future.
PTSD claims after an assault
PTSD claims after an assault can seek compensation when you or a loved one is assaulted by a colleague, a member of the public or someone in the family. Assault can be shocking to an individual, and the effects can last for a lifetime.
Common claims for PTSD after an assault:
You can claim compensation for PTSD after an assault that was not your fault or wholly your fault.
PTSD claims after medical negligence
PTSD claims after medical negligence may come after you have suffered a traumatic event at the hands of a medical professional. You could have difficulties dealing with your health in the future due to the effects of PTSD after medical negligence.
PTSD claims after medical negligence may be:
A PTSD claim for compensation can seek damages for the effects of the medical negligence.
PTSD claims after a childhood trauma
PTSD claims after a childhood trauma can seek compensation for the lasting effects of an event in the life of a child. A child can suffer PTSD for life with many flashbacks and fear of doing everyday tasks done easily by peers.
PTSD claims after a childhood trauma can be:
The parents of a child or the child when they turn 18 can make a compensation claim for the effects of PTSD.
PTSD can affect anyone at any time in their life after they experience a traumatic event. Flashbacks, fear and irrational behaviour can develop at any stage of life and can severely restrict how someone lives their life.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid claim for PTSD compensation.
Compensation for an accident resulting in PTSD
Compensation for an accident resulting in PTSD can see awards from more than £10,000 to amounts in the £100,000s in some claims. If you have PTSD, you may claim for the effects of it after the likes of a road traffic accident, an assault while at work or a shocking event in your childhood. You may be able to claim amounts in excess of £10 million in some personal injury cases, including cases with PTSD.
PTSD can impact your life and could affect your ability to work or find similar work in the future, and it may affect your relationship with your family and your ability to form meaningful relationships now and in the future.
You can claim compensation for the effects of PTSD today and in the future. The amount awarded depends on the severity of the PTSD and the impact it has on your life.
Amounts of compensation in a PTSD claim are:

(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You will also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.)
There is not one fixed amount for a PTSD compensation claim, and the compensation awarded will be tailored to the circumstances of your claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can tell you what to expect from their experience in PTSD-related compensation claims.
What are you being compensated for in a PTSD claim?
In a PTSD personal injury claim, just like any personal injury claim, you are being compensated for two types of damages:
The amount of compensation awarded for your accident resulting in a PTSD claim is the total of these two types of damages.
Who is eligible to claim for PTSD compensation?
You may be eligible to claim compensation for PTSD if it develops after an accident that was not your fault or wholly your fault, such as an assault, a workplace injury or childhood trauma.
An employee may be able to claim for PTSD compensation, such as a member of the military, a security guard or anyone injured in a traumatic accident in the workplace.
A child, through a parent, or a young adult may be able to claim PTSD compensation for the effects of an accident or assault while under the age of 18.
Dependents may be able to claim compensation if a loved one cannot represent themselves after an accident that was not their fault or only partially their fault that led to the PTSD diagnosis.
A dependent is defined as:
You may be able to claim compensation if you depend on someone who cannot represent themselves due to the effects of PTSD or who may have passed away due to the effects of the accident that led to PTSD.
Suicide is associated with the effects of PTSD, and if you lose a loved one due to suicide involving a PTSD diagnosis, you may be able to claim compensation.
Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help with your claim for compensation for PTSD after an accident or assault.
How could compensation help with your PTSD?
Compensation could help with your PTSD by getting you the money you need to access the appropriate services. The compensation could pay for therapy, counselling and other medical services which can help with dealing with PTSD.
Compensation can help with PTSD by:

You may need compensation to help get your life back on track by accessing the available services and medications that will help you deal with the symptoms of PTSD.
Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can help you make your compensation claim and get you the compensation you deserve for the accident leading to PTSD.
Our Process
We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!
The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.
Claim Evaluation
Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.
Legal Letter
Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.
How to make a personal injury claim for PTSD
To make a personal injury claim for PTSD, there are usually a few standard steps to follow. We will guide you through the entire process from first contact through to the conclusion of your claim.

Find out how much you can claim today for PTSD
Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim for PTSD. The insomnia, the depression, panic attacks and flashbacks may be with you for life, and you may be able to claim compensation for the damages involved and get help dealing with the symptoms.
The Personal Injury Team FREE online assessment tool will put you in direct touch with one of our team, who will give you a full rundown of what can happen with your PTSD compensation claim.
Compensation amounts for a PTSD claim vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can help you with an idea of compensation for the effects of PTSD today and in the future.
Only by contacting one of our team will you get a PTSD compensation claim up and running today.
Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate and expert PTSD compensation advice tailored to you.