If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault and have experienced whiplash as a result, you may be entitled to make a personal injury compensation claim.
A whiplash injury is a relatively minor one, with symptoms usually clearing in less than a year. Being a minor injury does not lessen its effect on you, and you may be in a lot of pain and discomfort with a whiplash injury.
Symptoms of whiplash can be:
It can be difficult to diagnose a whiplash injury. If you are in a road traffic accident that moves your head back and forwards suddenly upon impact and you have one or more of the symptoms, you may have a whiplash injury claim.
A Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can look at your case details and see if you have a valid whiplash injury compensation claim.

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What is a whiplash injury compensation claim?
A whiplash injury compensation claim is the legal process for damages when you suffer this minor injury in a road traffic accident.
In an effort to make the whiplash claims process more straightforward for victims, the government introduced reforms in 2021. Today, the Official Injury Claim service handles compensation amounts of less than £5,000, which covers most whiplash injury claims in the UK.
The OIC makes claiming compensation for minor road traffic injuries quicker and easier for the victim. Whiplash can be debilitating, and the faster you have compensation, the better it will be for you.
Recent surveys show that whiplash is an element in the majority of road traffic accident compensation claims handled by the OIC. 96% of the OIC’s compensation claims include whiplash as an injury, and claim amounts are set by the fixed tariff of damages assessed by the Civil Liability Act.
The fixed tariff for whiplash injury, as set by the CLA, sees claims for whiplash injury ranging from £240 to £4,345 depending on the duration of the effects of the injury.
Your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can handle your whiplash compensation claim and all dealings with the Official Injury Claim service.
Common types of whiplash injury claims
Common types of whiplash injury claims range from muscle damage in the neck to pain and loss of amenity due to a shoulder injury and fatigue and dizziness due to a road traffic accident injury.
The OIC looks at the whiplash injury claim and makes a compensation decision based on the effects of the injury on your life.
You can also make a whiplash injury claim as part of a more significant road traffic accident compensation claim.
Types of whiplash injury claims:

Whiplash only injury claims
Whiplash only injury claims can be when you suffer the minor effects of whiplash, which can last for a month to over a year in many cases. The whiplash symptoms may take time to develop, but you may still have a compensation claim.
Whiplash only injury claims are:
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can guide you through the whiplash claims process.
Whiplash with psychological trauma claims
Whiplash with psychological trauma is not unusual after even a minor road traffic accident. The shock of being hit from behind by another road user, along with the whiplash injury, can all add up to a tough time with injuries.
Some whiplash with psychological trauma claims may be:
Whiplash and psychological trauma can make driving difficult, and you could have a compensation claim.
Whiplash with a physical injury claims
Whiplash with a physical injury may affect your life and could add to your recovery time. You may get a whiplash injury from being thrown to the side in a car crash and, at the same time, receive cuts and bruising.
Types of whiplash with physical injury claims may be:
You can make a compensation claim for the effects of the whiplash and physical injury.
Whiplash with physical injury and psychological trauma
Whiplash with physical injury and psychological trauma is often the result of a significant road traffic accident. The shock of the car crash, along with the whiplash and the cuts and bruises, may take time to clear.
Some whiplash with physical injury and psychological trauma claims:
A claim for whiplash injury compensation can be for the effects of the trauma and physical injury on your life.
Whiplash injury with a longer duration of suffering
A whiplash injury can be with you for a few weeks or months and cause you a lot of pain and suffering. Some whiplash injuries can be more severe, and you could feel the effects for up to two years.
Claims for a whiplash injury with a longer duration of suffering:
You can make a whiplash compensation claim for the long-term effects of the injuries on your life.
A whiplash injury may be a minor one and could clear in a few months, or a car accident can do a lot of physical and psychological damage, and the injuries could last for up to 24 months.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can advise on how to proceed with a whiplash compensation claim and how to work with the OIC service.
Whiplash claims compensation
Whiplash claims compensation is part of the UK government’s whiplash reform legislation, and a fixed tariff scheme decides amounts.
The fixed tariff scheme, along with the Official Injury Claim service, gives the injured party an idea of compensation amounts and a more straightforward claims process.
The fixed tariff scheme for whiplash compensation is decided according to how long the symptoms last and the effects of the injury.
Sample whiplash claims compensation under the fixed tariff scheme:
(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You will also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are from the fixed tariffs under the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021.)
Whiplash can be only one of many injuries you could suffer in a road traffic accident. You can combine the whiplash injury as part of a larger compensation claim when you have a road traffic accident claim.
The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can make your road traffic accident claim when you have whiplash and other severe injuries.

Contact the Personal Injury Team today
Contact the Personal Injury Team today for a confidential and expert service with your whiplash compensation claim.
Our No Win No Fee solicitors have the experience in dealing with the Official Claims Office and can be by your side throughout the legal process.
We can also look at your case details and see how to form a road traffic accident claim for compensation if you have more severe and long-term injuries.
Our free-to-use Compensation Calculator can give you an idea of compensation amounts and put you in direct touch with one of our representatives.
Contact us today and let the Personal Injury Team solicitors deal with your whiplash injury claim for compensation.