Amputation injury claims seek compensation for the loss of a body part in an accident that was not wholly your fault. You may lose a hand, finger, toe, or a limb in an accident, and you could have a personal injury compensation claim.
If someone owes you a duty of care and you suffer an injury when they breach that duty of care, you may have a personal injury compensation claim. You make a compensation claim for the effects of the personal injury on your life today and in the future.
You may have a hand amputated in a road traffic accident or lose a foot in a workplace accident and have a possible compensation claim. Medical negligence in the treatment of diabetes can lead to the amputation of fingers, toes, and lower limbs.
The other road user, your employer, and medical professional owe you a duty of care and if your amputation injury may be due to a breach of their duty of care, you could have a claim for compensation.
A Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitor can handle your claim for amputation injury compensation.

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What is an amputation injury claim?
An amputation injury claim is to get compensation for the effects of an injury when you lose a body part in an accident. You may have a compensation claim for damages due to a breach of duty of care in causing your amputation injury.
There are almost 6,000 major limb amputations in the UK annually. 57% of upper limb amputations are due to trauma, while 70% of lower limb amputations are due to blood supply issues, such as the effects of diabetes.
The amputation can affect your ability to work, drive, exercise and to live an independent life, and you may have a personal injury compensation claim.
Some reasons for an amputation injury are:
If you lost a limb, finger or toe in an accident that was not wholly your fault, you may have an amputation injury compensation claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can look at your case and see if you have a valid amputation injury compensation claim.
Common amputation injury compensation claims
Common amputation injury compensation claims range from losing a hand in a workplace accident to having a limb amputated due to a road traffic accident. The effects of an amputation can be with you for life and you can claim compensation for the injury.
The amputation injury claim is for the medical bills, the physical therapy, loss of income and the adjustments you need to make to your life after the accident.
Common amputation accident compensation claims are:

Amputation injury in a road traffic accident
Amputation injury in a road traffic accident can happen to a driver, passenger, cyclist, motorbike rider or a pedestrian. An accident can happen quickly on the road and can result in an amputation.
Types of amputation injury claims in a road traffic accident:
You may have an amputation injury claim when you lose a body part in a road traffic accident.
Amputation injury in a workplace accident
Amputation injury in a workplace accident may happen on a construction site, in the office, in the warehouse, or in any workplace that uses heavy machinery. Employees must be trained in using equipment and supervised by a senior staff member.
Types of amputation injury claims in workplace accidents:
Your employer has a duty of care to you, and if you suffer an amputation injury, you may have a compensation claim.
Amputation injury due to medical negligence
An amputation injury due to medical negligence happens with a misdiagnosis of diabetes or errors in the treatment of diabetes. Medical negligence, such as missing the signs of an infection or a missed diagnosis of an arterial disease, can lead to an amputation.
Some types of amputation claims due to medical negligence are:
Medical negligence by a medical professional can lead to long-term complications and, in some cases, an amputation injury claim.
Amputation injury to a child
An amputation injury to a child is a very traumatic accident for the family of the loved one who loses a limb in an accident. The effects of losing a foot, hand, digit, and limb will be with the child for life and affect how they live, exercise and play.
Types of amputation injury to a child claims are:
A child can lose a limb or part of a limb in an accident, and their parents or guardians may have an amputation compensation claim.
Amputation injury due to an assault in a public place
An amputation injury due to an assault in a public place is becoming less unusual in Britain today. The use of weapons in violent crime is increasing, and you could have an amputation injury claim if you lose a limb during an assault.
Types of amputation injury due to an assault may be:
If you suffer an amputation injury in an unprovoked assault, you may have a personal injury compensation claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can take your amputation injury claim and get you the personal injury compensation you deserve.
Compensation in an amputation injury claim
You may be able to claim compensation in an amputation injury claim. The personal injury compensation claim will be for the effects of the amputation on your life today and in the future.
An amputation injury claim can see compensation for the effects of losing an arm, a leg, a finger or toe or any part of your hands and feet in an accident.
Compensation for an amputation injury claim can see amounts of:
(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You will also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.)
There is not one fixed amount for an amputation claim, and the compensation awarded for your injury will be tailored to the circumstances of your claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can tell you what to expect from their experience in amputation accident compensation claims.

Contact the Personal Injury Team today
Contact the Personal Injury Team today for an expert and confidential service with your amputation injury claim.
Our team of legal experts have the experience and training to give you the best personal injury compensation advice.
You can use our Personal Injury Calculator to get an idea of what may be possible for your amputation injury claim.
Contact the Personal Injury Team today with your amputation injury compensation claim.