A life changing injury claim seeks compensation when you are injured in an accident that was not your fault. A life changing injury is when you suffer catastrophic injuries such as losing an eye or a limb, damaging your spine or suffering a traumatic birth injury.
If you suffer personal injury due to an accident caused at least in part by the negligence of someone else, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a No Win No Fee claims process. If you have been injured, and your life changed by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.
If you suffer a life changing injury in an accident that was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors can file your compensation claim for the money you deserve.

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What is a life changing injury claim?
A life changing injury claim is for compensation to cover the costs of dealing with the changes to your life after an accident that was not your fault. You claim for the damages from the injury in the accident and the changes to your life now and in the future.
You could suffer a life changing injury in a road traffic accident, when falling over a broken pavement stone or in an industrial accident. The severity of the injury could impact your ability to work, walk, care for yourself and your ability to live an independent life.
In some cases, the sufferer may die, and dependents may be able to make a claim for the costs of caring for a loved one and the loss of their income to the home.
You may be off work for some time after a life changing injury or learning how to live with it. A life changing injury claim seeks compensation to cover the costs of the illness or injury and the effects of it on your life.
You could be injured, need hospital care, and have significant medical bills to pay, but you might be able to claim compensation to cover your costs.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can review your case and advise if you have a valid life changing injury claim.
Types of life changing injury claims
Types of life changing injury claims range from losing your eyesight to suffering brain injury and damaging your spine. Any life changing injury will impact your life and that of your loved ones.
You will need to make adaptions to your car, home and living arrangements. Your ability to work or earn a salary at a level you did before the accident can change with any type of life changing injury.
Types of life changing injury claims:
You could suffer a life changing injury anywhere and at any time. If you suffer a life changing injury in an accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation.
Road traffic life changing accident
A road traffic life changing accident is when you suffer injuries as a passenger, a driver or when hit while cycling your bike or on your motorcycle. You can also suffer life changing road traffic injuries when out walking or going for a run after work.
Common claims for life changing accidents are:

Life changing accident at work claim
A life changing accident at work claim covers accidents at places of business and all types of injuries. If you suffer a life changing accident at work, you can file a compensation claim to get help with your recovery and making changes to your life.
Common workplace life changing injury claims are for:

Life changing injury in a public place claim
A life changing injury in a public place is for injuries seen every day on public property. A personal injury when in a public place that is not your fault could change your life, and you can make a public liability claim for compensation.
Injuries may be scarring and disability from slips, trips and falls in shopping centres or falling down stairs at the cinema but if your injuries happen in public places, then you may have a public liability claim.
Common types of public liability claims are for:

Compensation for a life changing accident claim
In a No Win No Fee life changing accident claim, you might be able to seek compensation damages ranging from a few thousand pounds to more than £10 million. How much compensation you can claim depends on the injuries suffered and the financial effect of those injuries on your life.
If someone else is responsible for your personal injury, you might be able to claim compensation from their insurance company.
Sample compensation amounts in a life changing personal injury claim are as follows. Please note these are figures for the injuries only. Financial losses would apply in addition:

(The figures given here are for General Damages amounts only. You might also receive compensation for any financial losses you suffer due to the personal injury. Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.)
There is not one fixed amount in personal injury claims. The circumstances differ from person to person and claim to claim, and the amount of compensation awarded is tailored to the circumstances of your claim.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can give you an idea of what to expect and what to claim for from their experience in life changing compensation claims.
What can you claim for compensation in a personal injury claim?
In a personal injury claim, you claim compensation for two types of damages: General Damages & Special Damages.
The amount of compensation awarded is the total of these two types of damages.
How to make a claim for personal injury compensation
To make a claim for personal injury compensation, there are usually a few standard steps to follow. We will guide you through the entire process from first contact through to the conclusion of your claim.

Claiming compensation on behalf of a loved one
Claiming compensation on behalf of a loved one happens when they are too sick to make the claim themselves. Your solicitor can talk you through the process and help you make the personal injury claim for a loved one who suffered a life changing injury.
If your child is aged under 18 at the date of the life changing injury, you can bring the claim against those responsible on their behalf. A parent, guardian or trusted loved one, usually a close relative, can become a litigation friend who represents the child in discussions with a solicitor.
The litigation friend can make decisions on the child’s behalf and be involved in every step of the process.
If you or a loved one passes away, any dependents may be able to claim compensation. They may be able to claim compensation if the loved one dies due to a life changing injury that was not their fault or only partially their fault.
A dependent is defined as:
If you are one of the listed above, you may be defined as a dependent if you were partially or fully financially dependent on the person who dies due to a life changing personal injury.
You may have a claim for compensation if you are a dependent of someone who passes away due to the life changing injury.
How long do I have to make a personal injury claim?
You have three years to make a personal injury claim for compensation. The three years usually begin from when you suffered the personal injury.
Personal injury compensation claims must generally be brought and court proceedings issued within three years of the injury.
For children, the time limit only begins when they turn 18. Parents or guardians can start a personal injury claim for children under the age of 18.
If a loved one has passed away, the family can start a personal injury compensation claim within three years of the date of death.
There is no time limit for personal injury claims for those who lack mental capacity.
Will I have to go to court for my claim?
You are very unlikely to have to go to court to make your claim for personal injury compensation.
If you follow our advice, the claim process usually goes smoothly, and the vast majority of claims will be settled long before court proceedings are needed.
Our personal injury compensation claim team will fight your case. Even if court proceedings must be issued because, for example, the defendant unreasonably denies liability, the case is still unlikely to have to end up at a trial.
Very few personal injury claims require court proceedings, and even fewer, less than 1%, will end up at trial.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor
In the event of a life changing injury, a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will help you secure the compensation you deserve with no risk of legal fees in the event of losing your claim.
If you have been the victim of an accident causing life changing injuries, the last thing you want to think about is additional legal fees on top of your medical bills.
Avoid legal expenses by working with the Personal Injury Teams no win no fee solicitors.

Find out how much you can claim for today
If you have been the victim of a life changing injury and it was not your fault, you may be entitled to a personal injury claim for compensation.
Compensation amounts are guidelines only on what to expect from your personal injury claim. Our personal injury solicitors can advise you using their expertise and experience and can quickly tell you if you have a valid claim and what to do next.
Our team of No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors can take your case to seek the compensation you deserve. We have the experience to handle your claim for personal injury compensation and see it through to a successful conclusion, whether the claim is worth £1,500 or more than £10,000,000.
Speak with the Personal Injury Team today and take a FREE claim assessment and find out how much you can claim.