If you suffer injury to your arm,hand and finger in an accident caused at least in part by the negligence of someone else, you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Arm, hand and finger compensation claims are for the injury suffered and the effects on your life.

An arm, hand and finger injury might be a severe laceration, broken bones or even partial or full amputation in some cases. The injury may affect your ability to drive or to care for your children, and by making a claim you seek damages, compensation, for the physical and financial effects you suffer.

Your personal injury solicitor seeks to recover damages through a claims process. If you have been injured and your life impacted by an accident that was someone else’s fault, a claim for compensation seeks financial redress for your injuries and financial losses.

If you have been injured in an accident and it was not your fault, The Personal Injury Team No Win No Fee solicitors will file your compensation claim and get you the money you deserve.

suffering injury to your arm, hand or finger in an accident

Arm injury claims

Arm injury claims are for the personal injury in an accident that was not your fault. You may have a claim for compensation for the injury to your arm and its effects on your life.

You may lose the arm below the elbow in an industrial accident or injure your elbow from a fall on a wet floor. Any injury to the arm that restricts your movement or ability to perform day-to-day duties might result in an arm injury claim for compensation. 

Our No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors can look at your arm injury and see if you have an arm injury claim for compensation.

Arm injury claim

Common arm injury claims

Arm injury claims are for the personal injury in an accident that was not your fault. You may have a claim for compensation for the injury to your arm and its effects on your life.

You may lose the arm below the elbow in an industrial accident or injure your elbow from a fall on a wet floor. Any injury to the arm that restricts your movement or ability to perform day-to-day duties might result in an arm injury claim for compensation.

Our No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors can look at your arm injury and see if you have an arm injury claim for compensation.

Common arm injury claims are:

Accident at work arm injury

Accident at work arm injury can be a repetitive strain, a crush injury or losing an arm in an industrial accident. You may also have an arm injury from a manual handling accident or even from falling down a faulty staircase at the office building. 

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, (HAVS), is a common arm injury at work. HAVS often affects workers in the road, construction and demolition industries who commonly use high vibration power tools for long periods of time with insufficient breaks or job rotation. 

Workplace injury compensation

Arm injury in a sporting accident

Arm injury in the context of a sporting accident may result in a broken bone from an illegal tackle in a rugby match or a dislocated elbow from a slip on a dangerous or unplayable pitch. 

Exercising with faulty or poorly-maintained gym equipment made available for use can also cause an arm injury. 

Arm injury claims may come from poor training or poor advice from a coach leading to a fracture or muscle and tendon damage.

Sports injury compensation claim

Road traffic accident arm injury

Road traffic accident arm injuries happen a lot to motorbike riders and cyclists. They can be hit by a car or bus and, as a vulnerable road user, can easily break an arm in the accident. 

Many car crashes also cause arm injuries such as fractures and even amputation. 

You might be able to make a compensation claim for losing an arm or doing severe damage to muscles and nerves in a road traffic accident.

road traffic accident compensation

School playground arm injury

School playground arm injury claims might arise if your child injures an arm on unsafe surfaces or falls from poorly maintained equipment.

You may also have a claim if the child injures an arm due to inadequate supervision in the playground. A poorly maintained play area with unguarded areas that should be cordoned off can lead to arm injuries, and you might have a claim for compensation in these circumstances.

accident at school

Slips, trips and falls arm injury

A slips, trips and falls arm injury might happen because of a wet floor,  a faulty staircase or when equipment is left out on a public pavement or a corridor at work. You could suffer an arm injury in a trip over unguarded cables at a concert or a slip on a wet floor at the gym. 

You may have an arm injury claim if the slip, trip or fall was not your fault, and a personal injury solicitor can advise you on the claim.

Slip trip ad fall claims
Bike accident claims

Case Study

Street race strikes pedestrian – receives £4.6m for life changing injuries

Compensation for arm injury claims

Compensation for arm injury claims ranges from the £4,000 to more than £240,000 in the more serious claims.

Compensation ranges for arm injury claims (based on Judicial College Guidelines):

  • Fracture to the forearm from £6,610 to £19,200
  • Moderate elbow injury up to £12,590
  • Arm injury with significant disability from £39,170 to £59,860
  • Severe arm injury without amputation up to £130,930
  • Amputation of one arm below the shoulder, more than £137,160
  • Amputation of both arms below the shoulder, more than £240,790


Personal Injury Case Assessment

Take our 5-minute claim assessment to determine the strength and validity of your case.
This is a 100% cost and commitment free service.

Hand injury claim

A hand injury claim can be when you injure your hand in an accident that was not your fault. You may have a claim for compensation for the injury to your arm and its effects on your life.

A hand injury may happen at work, when out socialising or even as simply as when taking the dog for a walk. A slip on a wet shop floor or an accident with heavy machinery can cause a hand injury, and you may have a claim for compensation. 

Our No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor will manage your case and see if you have a hand injury compensation claim.

Compensation amounts for injuries to the hand

Common hand injury claims

Common hand injury claims can arise from an injury in an accident at work, when exercising, or on a night out with friends. A bad break or a muscle and ligament strain may happen in an accident that was not your fault, and you might have a claim for compensation. 

Common hand injury claims are:

Dog bite injury

Dog bite injury to the hand may come from defending yourself from an attack or when bitten by a neighbour’s pet. The injury may pierce the skin, causing scarring and the need to go to hospital.

A dog bite injury may cause infection, and you may need stitches to aid healing.

Lacerations to the hand from broken glass

Lacerations to the hand from broken glass may happen if you slip and fall onto glass not cleared at a bar or restaurant. The lacerations may be deep and need medical attention to clean and seal the wound. 

You may also put your hand through a window which might be a claim for hand injury if it is not reinforced glass in a public area.

Hand fracture in a fall

Hand fracture in a fall could happen if you fall down unprotected stairs or trip over rubbish left lying about in a corridor. You may break a bone in the hand if you fall on uneven ground or a slippery footpath. 

Hand fractures take time to heal, and you might be able to claim compensation.

Schedule A Call

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible.

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of no win no fee claim experts.

Hand injury in a road traffic accident

Hand injury in a road traffic accident are broken bones, lacerations and crush injuries. The natural reaction in a car accident is to protect yourself with your hands, and many hand injuries happen this way.

You might have a hand injury claim if you were injured in a car accident that was not your fault.

Hand injury at work

Hand injury at work might happen from a piece of equipment falling on your hand, a crush injury when using heavy machinery or a simple fall over computer cables around the desk. 

Hand injury at work claims might be for fractures, sprains, torn ligaments and cuts and bruises.

Compensation for hand injury claims

Compensation for hand injury claims ranges from the £4,750 to more than £201,490 in the more serious claims.

Compensation for hand injury claims:

  • Minor fractures to the hand, up to £4,750
  • Moderate hand injury, such as crush injury, up to £13,280
  • Severe crush injury to the hand, up to £29,000
  • Hand injury with 50% reduction in use, up to £61,910
  • Total or effective loss of one hand, up to £109,650
  • Total or effective loss of both hands, up to £201,490

Figures are taken from Judicial College Guidelines 16th Edition and are accurate as of April 2023.

Compensation for personal injury claims

Our Process

We make the claim process as simple and streamlined as possible, and that’s one of the reasons we’re maintain a 4.9 / 5 ★ rating from our customers!


The first step is to get in touch and tell us what went wrong. It’s free and easy. Call our 24-hour helpline: 0800 027 0370 or request a callback here.

Claim Evaluation

Once you have spoken with our team we’ll let you know how we can help. This will involve a thorough case review and understanding of the incident, financial damages and physical injuries.

Legal Letter

Once we are satisfied we have all the information we require and have a full understanding of your circumstances. We send a letter of claim to the negligent party outlining your claim and compensation requirements.

Finger injury claims

A finger injury claims can be when you injure a finger or fingers in an accident that was not your fault. You may have a claim for compensation for the injury to your fingers and its effects on your life

Finger injuries can happen anywhere. You might suffer one in a sports accident, a fall at the gym or when cycling with the family. A finger injury can cost you in terms of time off work, medical bills and maybe restrict your ability to drive. 

Our No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can assess your case and see if you have a finger injury claim for compensation.

Finger injury claims

Common finger injury claims

Common finger injury claims seek compensation when you hurt yourself in an accident that was not your fault. You may have a claim if you trip on a broken pavement or your child catches their finger in the playground gate.

 Common finger injury claims are:

Losing a finger in an industrial accident

Losing a finger in an industrial accident is a common finger injury claim. Catching a finger in an unguarded meat slicer or conveyor belt may result in an amputation of the finger. You might have a finger injury claim if the amputation accident was not your fault. 

Using dangerous equipment when untrained or unsupervised might lead to you losing a finger and having a possible finger injury claim for compensation.

Losing a finger in a road traffic accident

Losing a finger in a road traffic accident can happen to the driver or passenger in a car. The crush impact of hitting another car or a wall can slice off a finger on the spot. You may also lose one or more fingers later if the A&E staff think they are beyond saving. 

You may have a finger injury claim for compensation if the accident was not your fault.

Finger crush injury in the school playground

A finger crush injury in the school playground can happen quickly if the children are not properly supervised. Children will put their hands and fingers anywhere and can lose or badly injure themselves when not adequately supervised around dangers in the school that should be cordoned off. 

You might have a finger injury claim for compensation if your child is injured in a school playground accident that was not their fault.

Schedule A Call

Have you been involved in a personal injury? We specialise in pursuing damages to make sure you get the maximum compensation possible.

It’s free and easy to speak with one of our team of no win no fee claim experts.

Severe burns in a workplace accident

Severe burns in a workplace accident can leave you in chronic pain and fingers that do not function properly. A restaurant kitchen can be a dangerous workplace, and people can burn their fingers in deep-fat fryers and when working around hot ovens. 

You could lose the skin on your fingers and even need to amputate a finger after a burn accident.

You might have a finger injury claim for compensation if the accident was not your fault.

Vibration White Finger injury

Vibration White Finger injury is a workplace injury from the continuous use of vibrating tools. Workers in the construction, road and demolition industries often get VWF from using power drills, grinders and jackhammers for long periods of time without sufficient breaks. The vibrating can cause permanent circulation problems in your fingers. 

You might be eligible for finger injury compensation if your employer was negligent in their duty of care to you when using power tools at work.

Compensation for a finger injury

Compensation for a finger injury ranges from a few thousand pounds to more than £90,000+ in some cases. How much compensation you can claim depends on the injuries suffered and the financial effect of those injuries on your life.


  • Minor injury to the fingers and thumb, up to £4,750
  • Loss of part of the Little Finger, up to £5,860
  • Injury to the Terminal Phalanx of the ring or middle finger, up to £7,870
  • Amputation of Little Finger, up to £12,240
  • Fracture of Index Finger, up to £12,240
  • Serious injury to Ring or Middle fingers, up to £16,340
  • Amputation of Ring and Little fingers, up to £21,810
  • Severe fractures to the fingers, up to £36,740
  • Amputation of Index and Middle or Ring fingers up to £90,750

From the Judicial College Guidelines 2023.