Medical assessment for a personal injury claim can strengthen your case for compensation. If you are injured due to a breach of duty of care by another person, you may have a personal injury compensation claim.
A medical assessment for a personal injury claim can only add to your case.
An independent medical assessment by a doctor or qualified medical professional can catalogue the extent of your injuries. The medical professional can produce a report laying out the details and consequences of your injuries. A report can be tough to argue with and will only help your personal injury solicitor make your claim.
You could suffer a personal injury in a workplace accident, a road traffic accident or a slip, trip and fall accident. The personal injury can affect your life today and in the future and you make the compensation claim for those effects.
A No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make your personal injury compensation claim.

What is a medical assessment for a personal injury claim?
A medical assessment for a personal injury claim is when you go to see a medical professional for them to examine you after an accident that was not your fault.
Your personal injury solicitor needs an independent medical assessment of your injury to show that you are suffering from the effects of the accident. The report from the doctor will outline the extent of your injury and the impact on your life now and in the future.
You may already have had a GP or hospital doctor treat you for the personal injury, and their report can be vital evidence in your compensation claim. An independent medical report can reinforce the fact that you were injured and that the injury is due to the accident.
The more evidence you can produce, the stronger your claim for injury compensation will be. The details supplied by the medical assessment can show how you are impacted by the injury caused in an accident that was not your fault.
Your personal injury solicitor can recommend an independent medical professional to do your medical assessment.
What happens at the medical assessment for a personal injury?
At the medical assessment for a personal injury, the examining doctor will ask for details of your injury and the accident that caused the injuries. They will want to know, in your words, what happened and how you think the accident has impacted your life.
The doctor at a medical assessment for personal injury will want to know:
Only by doing a physical examination can the doctor discover the full extent of your injury. When they can see the extent of your injury, they can find out how it impacts your daily life and how it could influence your health and well-being in the future.
The doctor will compare your injury with your medical records, which your solicitor will have requested, with your permission. By looking at your medical notes, the doctor may be able to tell if the personal injury has impacted an existing condition or made an existing injury worse.
Your personal injury solicitor can use the doctor’s report when assessing your injury and to see if you have a valid personal injury claim.

Do I need a medical assessment for a personal injury claim?
Yes, you do need a medical assessment for a personal injury claim. Your solicitor will need the proof on paper that your claim is genuine, and your injury is a result of an accident that was not your fault.
It may surprise you how vital an independent medical assessment is to your personal injury claim. A good no win no fee personal injury solicitor will explain to you the value of the medical assessment and how much it can bring to a claim.
An independent medical assessment can:
Armed with an independent medical assessment, your No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor can make a strong case for any type of personal injury compensation claim.
Start your personal injury claim process today
Use our online assessment tool today to determine how much you can claim in personal injury compensation.
An independent medical assessment can be vital when making the personal injury claim and could help increase the amount of compensation in your case.
Compensation amounts for a personal injury vary, and expert advice from one of our team members can give you an idea of the level of compensation for the claim.
We can be on your side when dealing with the insurance company and help you get the compensation you deserve. Having as much evidence to support your compensation claim as is possible, such as a medical assessment, will help your personal injury solicitor.
Contact your Personal Injury Team today for immediate personal injury claim advice tailored to you.